"I'm sorry," he mumbled as he regained his posture and moved closer, closer... so much closer. "But I had no choice, they wouldn't allow me to do it, they both fought over which of them should be the one to save you."

You shook your head lightly and shut your eyes, releasing the tears and letting it stream down your face. "They're idiots..." you trailed off, but you couldn't help but crack a small smile at the fact.

Baron did the same as he stared down at you, "Yep, they sure are." And without another word, his arms wrapped themselves around you and pulling you into a hug that you didn't knew you'd needed. You needed the comfort, the hope that Hiccup and Jack might make it back alive, even if they didn't get the cure, you'd still be glad.

"Don't worry,(Y/N)," he murmured into the top of your head. "Despite their idiotic decisions, they love you too much that I'm certain they wouldn't get themselves killed if they knew it'd do the same to you."

You smiled. Because he was right.

"And besides, if they don't, I'm available." He joked and you broke away to slap him across the chest, a grin plastered on your face. He chuckled and pulled you back into the hug one more time. "I'll always be here to protect you, (Y/N), I promise."

❅ ❀ ❆

It was dark; night must've fallen as you sat up on the bed. You glanced over to the side, hoping to find Baron sitting by your side like he had just before you fell asleep... But he wasn't. Curious, you decided to get up and search for him.

While halfway to the door, you realized that the utter pain in your side had faded, enabling you to quicken your pace and move freely without groaning. Only when you'd exited the house did you hear the pitter patter of raindrops hitting the roofs and grounds, the roof of the house must be much thicker than you'd expected but you thought it made sense because of all the dragons roaming around the place, at least build a roof thick and stable enough to prevent too much destruction from happening when a dragon does go amok.

You turned around and that's when you saw Baron, standing outside the door of the house across from the one you'd temporarily lived in. You squinted your eyes so you could see what he was doing in the darkness of the night; he was talking to someone... you then caught a glimpse of familiar blonde hair and recognized that it was Astrid that he was speaking to... Hiccup's ex...

A sudden rage filled your being as you continued to stare at the two of them, you didn't know why, but you felt as though Baron had betrayed you. He'd so willingly proclaimed his love for you just not a week ago and now you see him sneaking around Berk at night, flirting with his brother's ex. The thought both disgusts and enraged you at the same time, this just brings back all the bad accusations of Baron that you'd given him when you first met.

You watched Baron grin and laughed through the fall of rain that made as a wall between the two of you. He seemed so far away... the Baron that had told you he would protect earlier and the Baron that was flirting with Astrid right now was just so different, and that made you wonder, did he really loved you at all? Everything he said, maybe they were all lies... He was quite known for them.

Minutes had passed before you spot Astrid's door finally close and Baron turned around. His gaze instantly found yours when he did. And you hadn't even realized that you were walking towards him until you were basically in front of him, not to mention the fact that you were soaking wet from it. "You're done already?" you spat. "I thought you would've needed more time flirting?"

"Wha-? (Y/N), what are you even doing outside in the rain?" Baron inquired, his brows furrowed and a faint crease formed on his forehead. "You need to get back inside-"

"How could you do this?" you hissed. "How could you just tell me that you loved me and then go flirt with the next girl you see?"

"Wh-what are you talking about?" he looked perplexed. Yea, right, like he doesn't know...

"Unbelievable, did you think I'm blind?" you nearly shouted, but you didn't care, you were so furious at him right then you thought you would've slapped and hit him any second. "I saw you flirting with Astrid, and I'm not gonna lie, but you seemed quite content with her. Even more than when you're with me if I do say so myself."

"Wha... God, (Y/N)," Baron sighed. "I-I wasn't flirting with her! I was just asking if she'd heard any news from Hiccup."

"Yea, right." You rolled your eyes, though some of the rainwater got into them but you ignored the irritating feeling. "I can't believe you; you just confirmed every accusation that I've ever made about you! You're a liar, you're selfish, you'r-"

"(Y/N)!" his voice reached a higher volume. You halted mid-sentence at his sudden outbursts, vaguely taken aback. "God, (Y/N)," he sighed, shaking his head, causing the drips of rainwater that hung at the tips to fall from his soaking wet hair. "I believe that you would honestly think that I'm that kind of person, after all we've been through, after everything I'd told you... When I told you that I loved you, I meant it."

You kept silent, mostly because you had no idea what to respond to him.

He then took a step closer, your bodies inches apart and you could feel his intake of breath before proceeding, "You mean everything to me, you're the name that'll forever linger a soundless whisper of my lips... you're the unforgettable face that haunts my dreams every night, and you're the undeniable reason as to why my heart skips a thousand beats whenever my eyes fall on yours."

You're breathless, your lungs craving for air and yet you forgotten how to catch your breath. You felt your body temperature rise to a hundred degrees when Baron reached his hand up to caress your cheek... you missed that feeling... the sweet, utter sensation of his skin grazing yours.

He leans in and his forehead is rested against your own, he exhales and his hot breath hits your lips, causing you to shiver despite the heat of it.

"You've saved me, (Y/N), and I'll eternally be in debt to you." He whispered, his lips now brushing on yours and you think you could just melt at the bass of his voice saying your name. "Before I met you, I was foreign to any significant emotion, I was so close to being the cruel, merciless monster that Marcus built me to be, so close to losing all of my humanity... But then I saw you, and, you changed my perspective entirely, you caught my heart and tugged on it repeatedly and I couldn't even focus because every thought I'll have, is about you. Your face, your smile, your laugh... Then, I realized, I could never have you..."

A lump formed in your throat as you took in his words... he was spilling his heart out to you, more than he ever had before.

"The ache that came along with that realization broke me, it was so much worse than any physical pain that I'd endured, but it was so much better than becoming a cold, despicable murderer that will never get an opportunity to experience even the slightest moment of being in love." He murmured. "I would rather want you, and never have you, than to never have thought of the possibility of being with you at all."

Your brain wasn't functioning properly anymore; your thoughts are splayed messily all over the place, and before you could even fathom what was going on, you'd pulled Baron close and kissed him thoroughly.

You were oblivious to how long the two of you stayed like that; the kiss, the tingling sensation that it sent through all the nerves in your body has heightened, and you thought that you would collapsed from euphoria.

The rain continued to fall down on the two of you, soaking your already wet hair and clothes, but it didn't matter, nothing matters at that moment... nothing but you and him.

Sparks Fly ~Jack Frost X Reader X Hiccup~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें