The end of the night

We should say goodbye

But we carry on

While everyone's gone

 Never felt like this before

Are we friends or are we more?

As I'm walking towards the door

I'm not sure

her fingers fly across the keys as i begin the chorus.

 But baby if you say you want me to stay

I'll change my mind

'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away

If you'll be mine

Wont go, wont go

So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night

I'll change my mind

Lean in when you laugh

We take photographs

There's no music on

But we dance along

 Never felt like this before

Are we friends or are we more?

As I'm walking towards the door

I'm not sure

 But baby if you say you want me to stay

I'll change my mind

'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away

If you'll be mine

Wont go, wont go

So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night

 I'll change my mind

I'll change my mind

 But baby if you say you want me to stay,

I'll change my mind.

I was joined by three other voices as i sang the final chorus. i look behind me to see the others standing there, watching.  

But baby if you say you want me to stay

I'll change my mind

'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away

If you'll be mine

 Wont go, wont go

 So baby if you say you want me to stay,

 stay for the night

I'll change my mind

we all clap for Allison, and she just blushes and looks down. i notice Louis holding up his phone.

"and.... uploaded. your video is now on youtube." he says smirking.

Allison looks up, and fear flashes across her features.

"why did you do that? what if the fans figure out who i am?" she stammers. i walk over to her and wrap my arms around her.

"it's okay, they will love you. you were amazing! i didn't even know you played! why didn't you tell us?" i say.

"because i only play piano to escape my worries. no one but Emma and her parents have heard me play... until now." she whispers.

"i'm really sorry love, i didn't know it was so personal, i wouldn't have recorded it." Louis says worriedly.

"it's okay lou, it'll be fine, i think." she says.

the boys and Emma decide to go back upstairs, leaving me with Allison. she plays random tunes, fingers flitting lightly over the keys. i sit beside her on the bench.

"you really are amazing you know that?" i say quietly.

"thanks." she mumbles, blushing again. she is so cute when she blushes. wait what? no, no, i do not have a crush on Allison. no way.

i glance at her face, and notice how different she looks. her face looks younger, happy. but what really captivates my are her eyes. they are so bright, it's like there's a whole world locked inside of her. it's then that i notice how truly beautiful she is. she sits there, no make up on, in sweats and a T shirt. but she just lights up the room.

i cant have a crush on her... she was hurt so badly by this whole situation... it would just make things worse. but looking at her, i just can't help it. 

I'm falling for Allison.  

The Luck Of The Irish: Re-WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now