Fun Nights & Pillow Fights

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     The girls get up and get dressed the next morning. They get everything they need for this weekend and put it in their bags, and they place their bags by the door. "I am so excited about this weekend!" Laura says. "Me too!" Marlee says. "It's gonna be a blast!" Jackey says. "Yeah and I'm glad its Friday!" Kaitlyn says. "Yes out of school for two whole days!" Svenja says. The girls finish getting ready for school. They just get downstairs when they hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" MaKayla says opening the door to see all the guys except Riker, Ryland, Aaron, Rocky, Ell & Luke, standing there smiling.😊

"Hey Blondie!" Laura calls from behind MaKayla. "Hey Beautiful!" he says stepping inside kissing her. "Ready to go?" he asks when they pull away. "Yeah, let me grab my stuff!" Laura says grabbing her things. "Bye guys!" Laura calls. Ross opens the door for her, then goes around and gets in. They drive away. "Hey MaKayla! Are you ready?" Hayes asks stepping forward. "Yeah, let's go!" MaKayla says grabbing her things and taking his hand. They walk to his car and leave. "We need to go too!" Shawn says. "OK let's go!" Svenja says grabbing her things and walking with him to his car. They head to school. "Are you ready Daph?" Brennen asks. "Yep, sure am!" Daphney says pulling him out the door. They leave. "Hey Marlee, are you ready?" Dylan asks. "Yeah!" she says as they walk out and leave. "We need to go too!" Brent says. "OK, who are we riding with? Dylan or Brennen?" Kaitlyn asks. "No one! I finally got my own car!" Brent says excitedly. "Oh that's awesome! I'm happy for you!" Kaitlyn says hugging him. "Let's go ladies!" he says. "OK, come on Jack!" Kaitlyn says. They walk to his brand new blue Mustang and get in. "I love it!" Kaitlyn says as he gets in and starts it. They head to school.

At school they all meet up at the lockers. "I can't wait for tonight!" Kaitlyn says. "Oh yeah and I have a surprise for y'all!" Tiffany says smirking.😎 "Oohh, what is it?" Marlee asks. "If I told you, then it wouldn't be a secret would it?" Tiffany asks, laughing. 😁 "Well now I'm gonna be wondering all day!" Laura says huffing. "I promise you will all like it!" Tiffany says. "OK! We can wait!" Maia says. "Yeah, we can be patient!" Svenja says. They talk a few more minutes and then the bell rings. They go class.

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