Planning & Playing

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They get to the beach and get everything set up. Raini and Maia go swimming. "I'm actually glad they went swimming" Ross says. "Why?" Laura asks. "It gives us a chance to talk about getting the guys to ask them out!" he says pointing at Maia and Raini. "Oh yeah! Well we could play truth or dare and get Rocky to ask Raini!" Laura says giggling. "That's an awesome idea Beautiful! I have an idea for Riker too. He's more of a romantic than Rocky is." he says leaning over so he can whisper his idea in her ear. When he pulled back she had a huge smile on her face. "I love that idea Ross!" she says looking at him.

They start to lean in... Their lips are inches apart when... "Hey guys we're here!" Rocky yells. They jump apart startled. They look up laughing to see Rocky, Riker, Rydel and Ell. Maia and Raini join the group too. They all talked for a while and then the boys went to play football.

As soon as they left Maia looked at Laura and said "Why are you still in your shorts and shirt?" "You know why" Laura says. "We have already told you! You are beautiful! If i had a body like that I would show it off!" Raini says with a smile. Laura laughed. "Besides I bet it would get Ross' attention for sure!" Rydel says giggling. "I'm willing to bet on it!" she says. "Ok! I'll take them off and then we can go swimming!" Laura says laughing. She takes her shirt & shorts off and heads to the water.

She looks over when she hears Ell yell "Heads Up Ross!!" Too late, the football hit him right in the head because he was too busy staring at Laura. She runs over and asks if he is ok. "Yeah, I'm fine!" he says blushing. "You know, you're really cute when you blush!" she says kissing his cheek and walking to the water.

Ross just stood there watching her with a goofy smile on his face. "Wow little bro! You got it bad!" Riker says coming up and slinging his arm around Ross' shoulders. "Hey at least I have a girlfriend!" Ross says laughing at him. "I'm working on it!" Riker says.

"I have an idea for you" Ross says. "I'm listening" Riker says very interested. Ross tells him his idea and Riker loves it. "That's a great idea Ross! Thanks!" Riker says smiling big. "No problem big bro!" Ross says smiling. "Shall we finish our game?" Rocky asks. "Nah, I think i'm gonna go swimming!" Ross says. "Yeah let's go swimming!" Ell says.

The guys join the girls in the water. Ross swims up to Laura. "You know it was your fault I got hit in the head!" He says smiling at her. "What?! How was it my fault?" she asks. "Because you distracted me with your beauty!" He says getting closer. She blushes hard. "I'm sorry" she says smiling. "Totally worth it!" he says smiling. She blushes harder.

"I told Riker the plan! He loved it!" he says smiling. "Good! I'm excited about tonight!" she says happily. "Oh I might have a surprise for you too!" he says winking and smiling at her. She throws her arms around his neck and kisses him. "Get a room!" Rocky yells laughing. Laura & Ross jump apart blushing, which makes Rocky laugh harder.

"You asked for it!" they say getting closer to Rocky. "What are you guys doing?" Rocky asks backing away. "Oh nothing! Just a little payback!" Laura says as they start splashing Rocky. "Come on guys! I was just joking!" Rocky says splashing them back. They splash each other for a while laughing. "Ok! Ok! I surrender!" Rocky shouts holding his hands up.

"Who wants to play volleyball?" Rydel asks. "We do" everyone says. "What are the teams gonna be?" Ross asks. "How about girls vs. guys?" Raini asks. "That wouldn't be fair to you!" Riker says confidently. "Oh we got this!" Maia says. "Ok have it your way!" Ell says.

They begin the game with the guys serving. Ross grabs the ball and goes to serve. Wow he is perfect! He has perfect abs and the way his blonde hair shines in the sunlight, the way his muscles flex when he moves his arms... "Ouch" Laura yells when the volleyball hits her in the head. Ross runs across to her and asks "Are you ok?" "I'm fine!" She says blushing. "You're really cute when you blush!" he says kissing her cheek and going back to his side of the net. She just stands there and smiles at him.

"Everyone ready?" Maia asks. "Yeah let's play!" Laura says. Of course the girls won. "How'd that happen?!"Rocky asks confused. "Oh did we forget to mention we have played volleyball all our lives!" Maia says smirking. "You cheaters!!!"the boys yell. "Serves you right for thinking we couldn't play!" Laura says walking off with the other girls.

"Wow you were great out there! You know except for getting hit!" Ross says laughing. "Thanks I think! It was your fault I got hit!" She says smiling at him and slightly blushing. "How was it my fault?" He asks. "You with your perfect abs, perfect hair and perfect muscles!" She says blushing more. He smiles at her and kisses her. She kisses back and they break apart smiling.

They join the others and talk a while. "It's time to head to the secluded beach!" Riker says. They pack everything up and start walking to the secluded beach. Ross and Laura are the last ones. She grabs his hand and smiles at him. "I am so excited about tonight!" She said. "Because of your surprise?" He asks. She shakes her head "No that's just a bonus! I'm excited because I get to spend time with you!" she says leaning into him as the walk.

He puts his arm around her shoulders and they walk to the secluded beach.

I own nothing but my storyline!! Please vote and comment!! Thanks! :)

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