Wake-Up Calls & School Halls

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     Laura wakes up to her phone ringing the next morning. "Hello" she says sleepily. "Hey, Shorty! I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house after school to hang out?" Ross asks. "I would love to Ross!" she says. "Great, bring a suit!" he says. "You couldn't ask me this at school?" she asks giggling. "I just wanted to hear my beautiful girlfriend's voice this morning!" he says. "I love you, Blondie!" she says. "I love you more, Beautiful!" he says and hangs up.

Laura gets up, takes a shower, brushes her teeth and gets dressed with a huge smile on her face. Jackey, MaKayla, Marlee, Daphney, Svenja and Kaitlyn come in just as she is finishing up. "What are you so happy about this morning?" Jackey asks. "Ross called me this morning and said he just wanted to hear my voice and asked if I wanted to come over after school!" Laura says still smiling. "We should have known it had something to do with Ross! Only he can put a smile like that on your face!" Daphney says smiling. Laura blushes. The girls get ready for school.

"Hey Laura, we are riding with Brennen & Dylan this morning." Daphney & Marlee say. "Ok that's cool!" Laura says. Just then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Laura says opening the door. There stood Ross, Dylan and Brennen. Ross had a yellow rose for Laura. "Good morning, Beautiful!" he says giving her the rose. "Good morning!" she says reaching up and kissing him. "Are you ready to go?" he asks when they pull apart. "Yeah, let's go!" she says. "Who is going with us?" he asks. "I'll ride with you guys!" MaKayla says. "Me too!" Svenja says. "Ok" Ross says. "I'll ride with you guys if that's ok?" Jackey asks looking at Dylan. "Of course that's ok!" he says smiling. "What about you Kaitlyn?" Ross asks. "I guess i'll go with you guys today!" she says smiling. They all grab their stuff and leave. The guys open the doors for the girls and help them in. They get in and head for school.

They are on their way to school. "Are we picking up Tiff today?" Laura asks. "Nah! Luke said he was gonna pick her up!" Ross says. "Awww that's so sweet!" Laura says. They get to school and get out. They go in and meet everyone else by the lockers. "Hey guys!" Maia says happily. "Hey!" Laura says hugging everyone. "When do you guys wanna go shopping for our costumes?" Svenja asks. "How about Wednesday after school?" Ross asks. "That works for me!" Daphney says. "Rocky and I already have our costumes, but we will still go!" Raini says smiling. "I can't wait to see what you guys are gonna be!" Marlee says. "You'll find out Saturday!" Raini says laughing. "Do you guys wanna sleepover at our house this weekend?" Rydel asks. "Yeah, sounds good!" Jackey says. Everyone agrees. The bell rings and they go to class.

The first part of the day goes great. They get ready to go to lunch. "I'll meet you guys in the lunch room. I need to go to the restroom first!" Laura says. "Do you want me to wait?" Ross asks. "No, it's ok. Go ahead, i'll be there in a minute!" Laura says kissing his cheek. He smiles and walks away. She goes into the restroom and fixes her make-up and hair. When she comes out she bumps into someone. "Oh, i'm so sorry!" she says looking up. Her smile turns into a frown. "Oh it's you!" she says frowning at Jasmine. "Yeah it's me! All alone today I see! What? Did they all get bored with you already? Or maybe you scared them off with that face of  yours! Nobody to come to your rescue today!" Jasmine says stepping closer. Laura doesn't budge. "As a matter of fact they are all waiting for me in the cafeteria! Oh and by the way i'm not scared of you and i'm not intimidated by you anymore!" Laura says looking her in the eye. "You are so ugly! I don't know why Ross is with you!" Jasmine says sneering. "Because he likes someone who cares about something other than themselves!" Laura shot back. Neither girl noticed the group that had gathered around to see what was going on. "I bet someone paid him to go out with you! That is the only reason any guy would pay attention to you! You are the ugliest girl i've ever seen!" Jasmine says. Ross is about to step forward but Riker stops him. "You know what, Jasmine I don't care if you think i'm the ugliest girl on the planet. Ross thinks i'm beautiful and that's all that matters to me!" Laura says. "It don't matter what you do, you will never be beautiful!" Jasmine says smirking. "I don't care what you think anymore! Leave me alone!" Laura says. "Oh please, you care! You are just acting all brave now! When you get by yourself you'll cry because you know i'm telling the truth!" Jasmine says. "Really?! You think you have that much power over people? You are way more pathetic than I thought you were! I don't care what you think of me! Take your pettiness somewhere else because i'm done with all this drama! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to find my boyfriend! Buh bye!" Laura says pushing past a shocked Jasmine and walking away.

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