Her smile drops.

“No? Are you sure you want to do that?” She asks, her voice dangerously low.

I stand, my limbs still shaking.

“I will never ever join you, Amaya.”

Her face darkens.

“You have no idea what you have just done, child. I gave you a chance to redeem yourself. I gave you a chance to rule the world alongside me.” She spits to the side. “And you threw it away just like that.” 

She steps closer.

“I have no need for you anymore.” She turns on her heel and starts walking away.

I open my mouth to yell a reply but the words never come.

She flips around and shouts, her hands flying to form seals.

“Dance of the Crescent Moon!”

In a poof of smoke two shadow clones appear alongside her.

Amaya and her clones pull out their katanas hanging to the side of their figures and pose to attack.

All three Amaya’s race toward me.

In my shock I freeze.

Before I realize what is happening I am attacked simultaneously on three sides.

It happens like a dream, like suddenly time is being dragged through molasses.

One clone is on the left and leaps to attack. The other clone is to the right of me.

Amaya herself leaps above me, swinging her sword down hard.

They swing their swords, cutting through flesh. Crimson blood flies everywhere.

In a confused trance I watch the droplets of blood fly across the room.

I fall to my knees, still in my trance.

I feel nothing. All sounds dull to a buzz as the lights brighten.

The floor before me wavers.

I lift my eyes upward just in time to see someone entering the cavern and racing toward me.

The figure is soon hidden by Amaya’s figure standing before me, her sword poised to finish me off.

I squeeze my eyes shut.

More blood splatters across my face.

Suddenly time and sound seems to catch up to normal speed. Pain pours through my previously numb body.

My eyes fly open only to be met by the sight of the edge of Amaya’s sword sticking out of Shizuka.

“No…” I whisper.

He smiles.

“Hey sis. I’m sorry I disappeared. I shouldn’t have been such a coward.”

I nod and gently take his face in my hands.

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