Chapter 52 - Getting Sick

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Chapter 52 - Getting Sick

Jenny POV 

I woke up still in Justin's grandparents house. I felt so weak and couldn't get up. Then I felt my food from yesterday wanting to say hello. I ran into the bathroom and puked my guts out. I don't know what's up with me but I don't feel to good. I felt so weak and couldn't get up. I heard someone come in my room.

"Jenny." I heard Justin call me.

"Justin can you come here." I call as loudly as I could but it wasn't to soft. I heard foot steps coming towards me.

"Jenny are you okay?" Justin ask with a hint of worried in his voice.

"I don't feel really good. I feel weak. Hold that thought really quick." I said.

I puked my guts out again. Justin held up my hair so I don't get anything on it. Once I finish Justin help me up to clean myself.

"Baby I think you should go to the doctors." Justin said.

"Only if you come with me." I said.

"Don't worry I will be with you the whole time." Justin said.

I nodded. Justin out the bathroom and let me shower. I put on a black spaghetti strap tank top, the Jentin Starber purple oversize hoodie along with the snap back, black skinny jeans, and purple Supras. I was able to walk downstairs. I saw Justin, Diana, Bruce, and Kenny all eating breakfast.

Justin POV 

I woke up to the sound of someone puking. I went to check it out. I heard it coming from Jenny's room. I went in to see if she was alright. 

"Jenny." I called. "Justin can you come here." I heard Jenny said as loud as she could. I went to the bathroom to see Jenny sitting right next to the toilet.

"Jenny are you okay?" I ask.

"I don't feel really good. I feel weak. Hold that thought really quick." Jenny said.

While she was puking, I held up her hair so nothing gets on it. Once Jenny finish I help her up to clean herself.

"Baby I think you should go to the doctors." I said.

"Only if you come with me." Jenny said. "Don't worry I will be with you the whole time." I said. She nodded. I walk out the bathroom to let Jenny shower. I went downstairs to go eat breakfast.

"Justin where's Jenny?" Kenny ask me.

"Upstairs showering. Oh Kenny can you come to the doctors with me today, Jenny isn't feeling good today." I said.

"Aw poor thing. I hope she get well soon." Grandma said.

"That means no kissy kissy for Jussie." Kenny teased.

"Shut up man." I said.

"Morning Jenny." I heard grandma said.

I look up to see Jenny standing in the entrance looking beautiful.

"Morning." Jenny said weakly.

"My goodness you don't look so good sweetheart." Grandma said.

"Hold up for a sec." Jenny said. She ran into the bathroom puking.

"Justin you're the boyfriend. Go check if she's alright." Kenny said.

I roll my eyes and went in the bathroom. I held up her hair again so puke doesn't get on it. After Jenny was done I help her up.

"Are you alright?" I ask. She shook her head no.

"Don't worry we going to the doctors after you eat a bit." I said.

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