Chapter 26 - Thanksgiving

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Chapter 26 - Thanksgiving

Jonathan POV

Today is Thanksgiving. Ethan is with us today because he's part family too.

"Ethan so are we going to form a sibling band?" Jenny ask.

"I love it and I think Stars love it too." Ethan said.

"Now we have to come up with a band name." Jayden said.

"I miss Justin." Jenny said.

"Sorry sis. We know he left about 2 days ago but you have to think you'll see him when we go home." I said.

"Okay. Oh I got one what about Three Stars. No wait One Star. I got it Star Siblings." Jenny suggest.

"I was thinking Beach Nerds." I said.

"I love that." Jenny said. "Good name." Jayden said.

"I love it Jonathan. When we go back to LA I'll make sure I get this through with L.A. first and I will be you guys manger." Ethan said. We all agree.

"My album is going to be release when we get back right?" Jenny ask.

"Yea it is but we know the fans will understand about your decision about being in a band with your bros." Ethan said. Jenny finish her album and we're all proud of all her hard work. Also she's going to be the song writer for this band.

Justin POV

Right now I'm in my grandparent's house in Canada. I wish Jenny was here with me. Also mom and dad are acting weird. I felt someone pull on my jeans and it was Jazzy.

"Bieber Ryan and Chazzy are here." Jazzy said.

"Okay Jazzy." I said. I went to down and saw Ryan, Chaz, Caitlin, and Christian in the living room.

"Hey guys." I said giving them a hug (well Caitlin got the hug and the others bro hugs).

"Where's Jenny Justin? I bet you couldn't live without her." Ryan said. I felt my face heat up.

"Who's Jenny?" Caitlin ask.

"Do you know the new up rising star Jenny Star?" Chaz ask.

"Yea, what about her?" Caitlin said.

"Jenny is Justin's girlfriend since mid of June." Ryan explain.


"I think you broke my hearing." Christian said.

"Sorry." Caitlin said. I was going to say something but than I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out and saw the caller ID was Jenny.

"Hey babe." I said putting the phone on speaker.

"Hey boo. Guess what?" Jenny said.

"You want to fuck me." I said.

"Justin my dad is right next to me and I'm 15 to young for it wait until I'm 18." Jenny said.

"Hey can you go on Skype so we call do a video chat? I need to see your beautiful face." I said.

"Sure. I have to do something first before I get on." Jenny said.

"Okay bye. Love you." I said.

"Love you too boo." Jenny said.

I hang up the phone and sign on Skype. After a few minutes Jenny was sign on. I click on the thing to call her. After 3 rings she accept the call.

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