Chapter 16 - Dinner With Who?!?!

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Chapter 16 - Dinner With Who?!?!

Cody POV

"Cody, Cody, Cody." I heard someone say and also shaking me.

"What?" I answer.

"We're here Codes." Alli said.

"Okay." I said getting up to get our stuff.

"Cody mom, dad, and Tom are here to pick us up." Alli said.

I nodded my head. We went to the baggage claim and got our suitcases.

"Alli, Cody." I heard a little boy's voice call our names. I turn around to find it was Tom calling us.

"Hey Tom. Where's mom and dad?" I said.

"Come on they're waiting for you two." Tom said.

We went in the parking lot and Tom lead us the way to where they were. I saw our black Jeep.

"Cody, Alli." Mom said giving both of us a hug.

Dad help us putting our suitcases away. We headed to our new home. It was really pretty and the house next to us look familiar but who cares.

"Before I forget to tell you our new neighbors invited us to their house for dinner at 6 so go get ready." Mom said. I saw it was only 5 pm so we have an hour to get ready.

Jenny POV

After Justin took me home I went in my room and took a shower. I didn't put any make up on and I put my hair in a fishtail braid. I put on a blue and white strip shirt, red shorts, blue TOMS, and a Superman snap back. I went downstairs to help my mom cook. I made cake, brownies, and cookies. I heard the door bell so I went to open it to find Justin and Pattie there.

"Hey come on in." I said. They walk in.

"Hey Jenny where's your mom?" Pattie ask.

"She's in the kitchen Pattie." I answer her when I heard the timer go off.

I hurried in the kitchen to take the cake, brownies, and cookies out the oven. I let them cool. I heard the door bell ring again so I went to open the door. This one surprise me becuz standing in my front door is the Simpson family. Alli, Tom, Angie, Brad, and Cody standing right in front of me.

"JENNY." Alli squeal. Alli ran up to hug me.

"Hey mates you can come in." I said. They all walk in.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask confused.

"We are your new neighbors on the right side of your house." Alli explain.

"OMG tomorrow I'm free so let's go do something." I said.

"Okay then we have to plan it then. We could go shopping and maybe pick up the guys later so we can go to the fair in town tomorrow."Alli suggest.

"Yea let's do that. I need a catch up day with you. I spend too much time with Justin." I said.

"Hey I heard that." I heard Justin say.

"Good becuz tomorrow Alli and I are going shopping and you can't come with us." I said. Justin pout.

"Hey you know what I realize?" Justin said.

"And what's that?" I said.

"You're dressing like your older cousin Louis Tomlinson from One Direction." Justin said.

"Yea she does.. Wait did you say Jenny cousin is Louis Tomlinson from One Direction." Alli exclaim. Justin and I nodded.

"No wonder why they were at your house." Alli said.

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