Chapter 49 - Didn't See This Coming

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Chapter 49 - Didn't See This Coming

Jenny POV 

It's been a month since tour start. It's been really fun. I haven't heard from Cody since the break up. Michele and dad are coming today. We are now in Orlando, Florida. We are taking a week off and going to Disney World, since we did a concert last night. Taylor isn't on tour with us anymore because of family issues. We all are on the tour bus.

"This week is going to be so much fun." I said.

"Hell yea it is." Tanner said. My phone start ringing and I saw dad was calling.

"Hey dad. Are you here yet?" I said.

"Yea Michele and I are here. Just open the door." Dad said.

"Okay." I said.

I open the door to see Michele and Dad. I hang up my phone and jump in my dad's arms.

"I miss you." I said.

"I miss you too princess." Dad said.

I let go of dad and let Jonathan and Jayden hug dad too. I heard another knock at the door and I went to open it. I open the door to see Justin standing there with Jasmine Villegas.

"Hey what are you mates doing here?" I ask.

"Ethan ask Scooter to fill in Taylor's spot for your tour." Justin said.

"Great. Who's this?" I said.

"Oh Jenny this is my girlfriend Jasmine Villegas. Babe this is Jenny Star." Justin introduce us.

"It's very nice to meet you Jasmine." I said.

They both came in the bus. I don't know why but I kinda feel jealous. Maybe it's because I miss Justin or it's that I don't have a boyfriend. Just then Ethan came on the bus.

"Okay everyone we are now in Disney. You kids go we are staying here. Dave, Gavin, and Kenny will be with you guys in case of fan issues." Ethan said. We all nodded. We got off the bus with Dave, Gavin, and Kenny behind us.

"So where do you guys what to go?" Gavin ask.

"Magic Kingdom!" I exclaim. The others agree with me.

"Okay let's go because the baby wants to go." Jayden joked.

"Aye just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean I can't beat you up." I said.

"You know I was just kidding." Jayden said.

"I know." I said.

We got on the bus to Magic Kingdom. Once we got there we took the train to get to the actual locate. We had our tickets and everything. We all walk around looking for a ride to go on. I felt someone grab my hand I turn to see it was Tanner with a pale face.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask.

"I thought I saw my dad." Tanner said.

"Don't worry. How would he know where you are?" I said.

"You got a point." Tanner said sounding calmer.

All of a sudden I didn't feel Tanner's hand anymore I look back and saw a guy in his late 30's that kinda looks like Tanner with Tanner on the ground.

"D-dad wh-what are you doing here?" Tanner ask. "

Looking for your shit ass." He said kicking Tanner.

"Aye mate he isn't something for you to kick around." I said.

"Oh who is this Tanner your girlfriend? I don't see what you see in Tanner." He said stepping forward towards me. I felt all eyes on us. I turn to see Jonathan, Jayden, Justin, Jasmine, Austin, Gavin, Dave, and Kenny looking at us.

Who Am I In Love With? (Cody Simpson/Justin Bieber Fan-Fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें