Chapter 11 - Movie Time

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Chapter 11 - Movie Time

Jenny POV

My phone rings. I woke up and saw it was just my alarm waking me up at 7:30 in the morning. Wait it's 7:30 in the morning I should be sleeping. Oh never mind I got the movie today. I went in the bathroom to take a shower and did my business. I put on a Union Jack crop top that shows a little bit of my stomach, black booty shorts, blue Supra, and Union Jack snap back that has Jenny written in cursive on the back. I went downstairs to find mom and dad there in the kitchen.

"Good morning mom and dad." I said.

"Morning sweetie." Mom said.

"Good morning Princess." Dad said.

"So what are you lads doing today?" I ask.

"Well Jenny we just bought a place near the beach and turning it into a diner." Mom said.

"So what are you mates naming it?" I ask.

"We are naming it Shining Star." Dad said.

"I like the name. So what's for breakfast?" I said.

"We are having eggs, sausage, and bacon." Mom said putting down a plate for me and dad. I ate all my food and put my dishes in the dishwasher. 

"I got to go for rehearsal bye." I said giving both of my parents a kiss on the cheek.

"Do you need a ride?" I heard my mom ask.

"Nope Justin is giving me a lift." I said grabbing my purse.

I walk out the door and head over to Justin's house. I rang the door and Jazzy open the door for me.

"Hey Jazzy where's Justin?" I ask.

"Sleeping in his room." Jazzy said.

"Do you want to help me wake him up or not?" I ask.

"No thank you I'm going to eat my breakfast bye Jenny." Jazzy said.

I went upstairs into Justin's room. I went in Justin's room to find him still sleeping and it's 8:30 and we have to be there in a hour.

"Justin baby wake up." I said shaking him too. Justin groan in respond. I start kissing Justin's neck.

"Baby please don't stop." I heard Justin whisper.

"Justin if you get up than we will have a full out make out session later on." I said.

Justin shoot out his bed and went straight in the shower. I laugh and went downstairs. I saw Erin, Pattie, Jeremy, Jaxon, and Jazzy all downstairs in the kitchen.

"Morning Jenny. Did you wake Justin up?" Pattie said.

"I did I just had to brib him to get out of bed." I said.

"Thank you. Did you eat yet cuz you can eat with us?" Pattie said.

"No it's fine Pattie I ate before I went over here. I need a lift to the set so I came over here." I said.

"Oh I almost forgot that you guys are on the cast of Hollywood Sisters." Jeremy said.

"So Jenny why don't you tell us about yourself becuz me and Jeremy know nothing about you and we want to get to know Justin's girlfriend." Erin said.

"Well I'm 15, 2 years younger than Justin, born May 15, 1997 in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, half British and Australian, I have 2 older brothers Jonathan and Jayden, I just got signed by Island Records, I'm an actress, model, dancer, musician, singer, and song writer, I took gymnastic, kick boxing, dancing, and karate for 8 years so I know how to defend myself, and I live with my parents Katelin and Austin Star." I said.

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