Chapter 46 - This Is A Shocker

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Chapter 46 - Please Don't Leave Me

Jenny POV 

I woke up with something on me. I look up to see it was Oreo and it was 7 am. Cody had to leave at 8:30 am.

"Cody get up." I said. I know what you're thinking me and Cody didn't do anything. We just fell asleep in my room.

"I don't want to get up." Cody said.

"Come on Cody you got to go to the airport soon." I said.

"I don't want to leave you." Cody said.

"Cody just get up or no kisses." I said. He got up.

"Fine I'm going to my room now." Cody said.

I nodded and went in my bathroom to do my business. I put on a blue and green plaid short sleeve shirt, black spaghetti strap shirt, black booty shorts, blue and green Supras, and a blue and green snap back. I went over to Cody's house once I was done. I knock on the door and Angie open the door.

"Hey Jen. They're in the kitchen. The limo will be here soon." Angie said.

"Okay." I said while walking in the kitchen. I saw Alli, Tom, and Brad in the kitchen with Cody no where in site.

"G'day mates. Where's Cody?" I said.  

"Upstairs." Alli said giving me a hug.

Once we let go I went upstairs to Cody's room and a site killed me on the inside, Cody was on top of Giorgia Green making out with her. I slam the door and ran out the front door.

Cody POV

When I got home I went upstairs in my room. I saw Giorgia was in there. Not going to lie but me and her kinda had a thing before I left to become famous.

"Hey Giorgia." I said.

"Hey Cody." Giorgia said.

I couldn't help it but get lost in her brown eyes. I felt myself lean in and Giorgia doing the same. She close the gap in between us. I got caught up in our heated make out session that I didn't realize someone saw us until I heard my bedroom door slam. We pulled away and went downstairs.

"Hey Cody do you know what happen to Jenny. She went up to your room and then she came running down the stairs out the front door looking like she was about to cry." Alli said. Oh shit Jenny saw us.

"Text her to come over." I said. Alli nodded and took out her phone to text Jenny.

"She'll be here in a sec." Alli said. 

Jenny POV 

Once I ran out I went to this park at 5 minutes away from my house. I sat under a tree and cried my heart out. I thought Cody love me but I guess that was a lie. I know him and Giorgia kinda had a thing when they were younger but it shouldn't lead up to cheating on me. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I saw it was Alli texting me.

Alli: Jenny come back we are about to leave. I wouldn't leave without a good bye.

Me: I'll be there in a sec 

I put my phone back and walk to the Simpson's house. I saw everyone outside. I guess Alli saw my red eyes.

"Jenny what happen?" Alli ask.

"I think that question is for your brother to answer." I said.


Everyone look at me and saw my red eyes. Cody look nervous.

"I kiss Giorgia." Cody said softly. Alli was about to attack Cody put I grab her hand to hold her back.

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