Chapter 41 - Why You Do It?

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Chapter 41 - Why You Do It You

Justin POV 

It's been 2 months since I seen Jenny. We talk everyday on the phone but it isn't enough. I crave for her touch. I really miss her. I wish she was right next to me. "Hey Justin." Selena said. Did I tell you Selena is on tour with us? Yea I might have forgot to tell you about that. "Hey Selena." I said. The next thing I knew it was that Selena was kissing me and I was kissing her back. Man am I screwed.

Chaz POV 

I was going to the kitchen to get some food to eat. Then I saw something that really shocked me. Selena and Justin kissing each other. Well more like sucking each other faces off. I took a picture and send it to Jenny. I think she should know about this. Then Ryan came in wide eye. I put it on the record thing so I can send it to Jenny later. "Justin what the fuck?" Ryan said. They both pull away. "Guys it's not what it looks like." Justin said. "Really Justin you were not just sucking faces with Selena when you're dating Jenny." I said. Justin kept quiet. "That's what I thought. She doesn't deserve it." I said. "I know but I don't know what came over me. I kiss Selena because I miss how Jenny's lips feel on mine. I don't know why but I felt something with Selena like I felt with Jenny when I kiss her. Can you love 2 girls at the same time? I think I might love Selena too." Justin said. "Just forget it man." I said. I walk away and send the voice recording to Jenny too.

Jenny POV 

I was in lunch when I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out and saw it was from Chaz. I open it and saw what it was. Something inside me just broke when I saw it. Then I got another message from Chaz and it was a voice recording. I got my ear buds out and listen to it. All the words Justin said broke me. I felt hot tears going down my cheek. I put my head down and silently sob to myself. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll see you later." I said trying not to sound like I was crying. I got up and walk to the girl's bathroom without people seeing me cry. I lock myself in the stall and cried.

Jonathan POV 

"Jayden there is something wrong with Jenny." I said. "Look she left her phone." Tanner said giving me her phone. I look at what Jenny was looking at and I saw a picture of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez sucking faces. Then I play the voice recording. Man were me and Jayden piss. "That motherfucker decide to go fucking kiss Miss Selena Gomez and don't think Jenny knows." I said. We went in the girl's bathroom and didn't give a fuck if we got in trouble. "Jenny you in here." Jayden call out. "Leave me the fuck alone." Jenny said sounding like she was crying. We found the stall she was in. "Jenny we know what the fuck Justin did to you." I said. "Don't even say that motherfucker's name I swear that the next time I see him, he will be in the fucking ass hospital." Jenny said. "Please come out and stop crying." Jayden said. "Fine." Jenny said. She open the stall door and went to the sink to wash her face. When we were done we went to our last period class. 

Jenny POV 

"Today I want hear some people sing in front of the class. This shows how well or not you perform live and acoustic." Mr. James said. I raise my hand. "Jenny would you like to go first." Mr. James said. "Sure but can my brother record it on my phone because I want to post it YouTube later?" I ask. "Sure." Mr. James said. I gave Jayden my phone and told him to record my performance. I got a guitar. "Okay everyone I will be singing We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift for a special someone but I'm going to change some things around in the song so it fit me." I said. I strum the guitar to the tune.

I remember when we broke up the first time

When I said, "This is it, I've had enough," cuz like

We hadn't seen each other in a week

When someone was on top of you. (What?)

Then you come around again and say

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