Chapter 10 - Sorry But I Have To Leave

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Chapter 10 - Sorry But I Have To Leave

Cody POV

I heard my phone start ringing.

"Hello." I said in a sleepy voice.

"Hey Codes it's Matt. Did I wake you up?" Matt said.

"Yea you did. So what's up Matt?" I said.

"You're going on tour tomorrow and Jake, Campbell, and Josh are coming too." Matt said.

"That's awesome. Where's the tour?" I said.

"It in Australia and tour will be done until the end of summer. Also we are leaving tonight at 4." Matt said.

"Okay Matt. See you later than mate. Bye." I said.

"Bye." Matt said.

I hang my phone up. I realize I was still at Jenny's house and it's 9 in the morning. I went in the bathroom to do my business. I went to wake up Alli, Jake, Campbell, and Josh up. I told them about the tour too so they would know about it.

Jenny POV

I woke up at 8. I did my business in the bathroom. I'm wearing the Justin Bieber T-shirt, white jean shorts, black Supra, and JB snap back. I came back in my room to find Jaxon crying and Justin trying to calm him down. "Here let me try it." I said. I took Jaxon into my arms.

"She's with him, I'm in the back seat Know it's not right but it hurts when they're laughing And I've never been where they are" I sang.

Jaxon stop crying and start smiling.

"I think he likes you." Justin said.

"I know I have this effect on people any ways." I said.

"I know because you have me under your spell." Justin said kissing my cheek.

"Go ahead and change I'll still be here you know." I said.

Justin went to his room. After Justin left Jazzy walk into my room.

"Jenny where's Bieber?" Jazzy ask.

"He went in his room to change." I said.

"Jenny do you love Bieber?" Jazzy ask.

"Yes I do love Bieber. Jazzy what do you want for breakfast?" I said.

"Pancakes." Jazzy said. I laugh.

"Sure Jazzy I'll make you some pancakes and everyone else." I said.

Justin walk in my room.

"Bieber." Jazzy said running into Justin's arms. Justin pick her up and spun her around.

"Come babe we are going to make pancakes. What do I feed Jaxon?" I ask.

"Oh yea I have his bottle at home let me get it for you." Justin said walking out of my balcony. He came back a couple minutes later.

"Here let's go downstairs so you can heat it up." Justin said. Jazzy, Justin, Jaxon, and I all went downstairs.

"Do you want to make the pancake while I take care of Jaxon and Jazzy could help if she wants?" I ask.

"Sure no problem." Justin said.

I went to the microwave and put the bottle in. Jaxon was playing with my hair. I heard the beep from the microwave and got the bottle out. I gave Jaxon the bottle and he looks so cute when he was drinking it.

"Jen I'm done with the pancakes. Want me to wake the others up?" Justin said.

"Go ahead." I said. Justin went up the stairs.

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