Chapter 12 - Famous Life

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Chapter 12 - Famous Life

Alli POV

Today is the day Cody is starting his tour it's been a week and a day since we left LA. Hanging out with my mates are awesome but I miss my boo Jenny. I got Jenny back and now I might lose her again becuz of Cody. I wish I was still doing the movie. Also I think her and Justin are a cute couple but Jenny and Cody would be much cuter couple. I was walking around back stage exploring until I heard Cody's voice.

"Mate I think I'm in love with Jenny." I heard Cody said. It was coming through his dressing room. I walk over there and put my hear to the door.

"Cody how long has this crush about Jenny been going on?" I heard Jake ask.

"Since I was 5." I heard Cody said.

"Cody I think you might want to move on becuz Jenny found someone that she loves which is Mr. Justin Bieber." I heard Campbell said.

"I can't. When I saw Jenny at the Pastry photo shoot all my feelings for her came back to me. The 2 years that I didn't seen or heard from Jenny was the biggest mistake of my life. I don't know but I'm fucking in love with Jennifer Angel Star." I heard Cody said. Damn he really does love Jenny. I dial Jenny's number and she pick up at 2 rings.

"Hello." I heard Jenny say in a sleepily voice.

"Hey Jenny it's Alli." I said.

"Alli did you realize that there's a huge time difference there in Australia and LA?" Jenny said.

"Oh I forgot it's 7 over here and I think it's 1 in the morning over there." I said.

"Yes it is Alli. I'm tried cuz of Justin and I have to go down the set for the movie. It better be important waking me up 1 AM in the fucking morning." Jenny said.

"Man remind me never to wake you up early in the morning Ms. Grumpy Pants." I said.

"Whatever. Now tell me why you wake me up?" Jenny said.

"Babe who are you talking to 1 o'clock in the morning." I heard a dudes voice say.

"Justin go back to sleep it's just Alli being a dumb blond waking me up 1 o'clock in the morning." I heard Jenny say.

"Okay." I heard Justin said.

"Wait where are you right now and why are you sleeping with Justin Jenny?" I ask wondering if she had sex with him.

"In my bedroom and my TV is on still cuz we watch a movie. Wait Alli I'm not going to have sex when I'm 15 years old, I'm waiting until I hit the age of 18." Jenny said.

"Sorry boo. I just want to know what's happening while I was gone." I said.

"I went on a couple of dates with Justin, practice my lines for the movie, did a music video for my song B-e-a-utiful, and hang out with Justin's Canadian friends." Jenny said.

"Oh okay I'll let you sleep than." I said.

"Bye Alli and I'm going to be waking you up soon around midnight so you have been warned." Jenny said. I hung the phone up. I wonder if Jenny ever like Cody.

Cody POV

I was in my dress room with Jake, Campbell, and Josh. All I could think about is Jenny. I haven't seen her in 2 years and she looks beautiful. She changed a lot during the 2 years. Her hair got lighter, her eyes look like chocolate, and now she's not really short but she's still shorter than me though.

"Cody are you alright mate you have been staring at nothing for a couple of minutes." Josh said snapping me out of my thoughts of Jenny.

"Mate I think I'm in love with Jenny." I said.

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