Mr. Bentley opened the door, and stood outside of his own classroom. "I was wondering what was with the cheering going on. Please come inside the class," he said, looking at me, Lauren, Remi, and Raj. Mr. Bentley turned to Felix, giving him a weird look. "You're not in my first period class."

Felix opened his mouth to say something, but I covered it. "He's here because he just asked Lauren out. They look so cute together!" I exclaimed.

Lauren and Felix gave me a look, and I grinned at them. "Yeah, what she said," Felix said, smiling. "I'll go on to my class now."

"See you later!" Lauren said, waving to him as he walked away.

We walked in the classroom, and sat down at our seats. We took out our notebooks since we were going to take notes today. Everyone groaned when we learned that we were taking notes, but I actually didn't mind. Yeah, there was more writing, but that means not doing assignments for the day.

"Is that why you acted strange around Felix the past few days?" Raj asked me, looking curious. "Because you knew that Felix liked Lauren?"

I turned to him, grinning and nodding. "Yup, and I wasn't supposed to tell anyone," I said.

"Yeah, I could tell you didn't want to tell us anything because your voice got higher." He snickered.

"Hey, in my defense, I can't help it!" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I know, that's what makes it funnier." He continued to snicker.

I glanced at Lauren and Remi, who were both talking to each other. A few minutes later, Lauren turned to me and asked, "Hey, is that why you and Felix were acting weird lately? Because you knew about Felix liking me?"

"Yup, she sure did," Raj replied for me.

"Yeah, he wanted to know who you liked," I said.

Lauren blushed and giggled. "Aw, he's shy," she said. "I'm surprised he was brave enough to tell you."

"Me too actually." I chuckled. "But I had a feeling he liked you anyways."

"Really?" She tilted her head, giving me a confused look.

"Yeah! It was so obvious!"

"Wow, I never picked up on that." She smiled and shrugged.

"That's because you're lame," Remi jokingly said, grinning.

"Hey!" Lauren jokingly smacked her arm.

"I'm just kidding!" She laughed.

"You three are weird," Raj said, shaking his head.

"Says the guy that eats at a bakery shop every day," I said, rolling my eyes.

"So you want me to stop coming?" He raised his eyebrows.

"No, of course not!" I noticed him giving me an amused smile. "I mean, we don't want to lose you as a customer."

"Sure, okay." He had a smug smile on his face.



"The Fault In Our Stars?" Remi interrupted.

"Exactly what I was thinking!" Lauren said, grinning.

"Girls, please pay attention," Mr. Bentley said sternly.

"Sorry, Mr. Bentley," Lauren said, giving him a pouty face.

"Oh please," Remi muttered, and Raj and I laughed.

We decided to stay on Mr. Bentley's good side, to not talk so much, or at least not as loud.

During lunchtime, Lauren and Felix had decided to eat by themselves right outside of the cafeteria.

"Guess what," Takara said, grinning as she set her tray on the table and sat down.

"What?" I said.

"I got the job at Charlotte Russe!" She beamed.

"Congrats!" I grinned. "Did they just call you?"

"Yup." She giddily nodded. "I start work today after school."

"That's awesome! Hope it goes well."

"So where's the brand new couple?" She looked around, trying to see where they were.

"They're having lunch by themselves," I replied.

"I wonder how they're acting around each other," Remi said with a grin on her face.

"No, Remi, you're not going to crash their first date." I gave her a warning look. Whenever Remi grinned, she usually was going to do something mischievous.

"Aw." Her face fell.

"What are we doing in Mr. Bentley's class today?" Takara asked.

"Taking notes," I replied.

"Not too bad." She smiled. "I definitely don't want to do any essays or anything."

"Same." We high fived and laughed.

Before we knew it, the bell rang and then we went to our classes.


A/N: So Lauren and Felix are officially dating now, yay! :)




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