Jin: "What's wrong?"

Taehyung: "Jun-hee is everything alright?"
He and J-hope were out the car and were at my window. J-hope put his hand on my shoulder and gasped.

J-hope: "She's shaking!"

Kookie: "Jun-hee." Everyone was staring, they needed to stop.

"S-stop l-looking at m-me." I whispered as I drag at my sweater sleeves. They can't know, they shouldn't...

Kookie: "Breathe Junnie, take deep breathes." Everyone jumped out the back.
Shit! I feel lightheaded, did I just say shit? No no no! anxiety attack....

Kookie pushed everyone away from my door and opened it, dragging me in his embrace.

Kookie: "Calm down Jun-hee, focus on me."
He held my face in his hands and I focus on his eyes.

Kookie: "Listen to my voice, Jun-hee, you need to calm down and breathe, just breathe."
He started to breathe in and out slowly and I followed his actions.
It took awhile but I finally got my breathing under control. This was so embarrassing. Jin rubbed my back gently.

I looked at everyone else who seemed worried or uncomfortable. Jungkook let go of me and was replaced by J-hope, who I guess wanted to comfort me some more.

"I'm sorry."

Yoongi's P.O.V

The nerd looked like she had a panic attack. I felt uncomfortable knowing that. These feelings she gives me were not normal, her fragile state disgusts me, in a way that I don't want to see her like that again. Her eyes held trauma, something I've seen in my own, but we were nothing alike, yet I could tell this nerd knew pain. Seen it, felt it, lived it. It makes me feel ... curious.

J-hope pushed Jungkook away and gave her a hug while Jin rubbed her back and Tae pats her head.

Jun-hee: "I'm sorry."

J-hope: "It's okay, was it the music? Did anyone other than Red Velvet trouble you today?"
She shook her head.

In a way I knew she wasn't that innocent anymore, yet she kept this good girl attitude. She doesn't know herself, she's lost.

"Yah! It's over now, can we get back in?"
The boys glared at me for my insensitivity, even Rapmon and Jimin, oh well ...

J-hope locked her door and waved goodbye, so did Tae, since this was their neighborhood. Rest of us got in the back, Jin started up the pick up again. Namjoon took a sucker from his pocket and handed it to a sniffling nerd.

Rapmon: "To calm you."
She mumbled a thanks and started to suck on the grape flavored sucker.

Kookie: "Hey hyung, you share your suckers with my sister but not me?"

Rapmon: "Kookie, she's a girl."
He says in a duh tone. We drove along, in silence, next house was Chim chim and mines. We both hopped out.

"Later, Jinbutt, Namdick and Jungcock."
I lazily wave my hand in the air.
Jin and Rapmon glared at me while kookie whined.

Kookie: "Hyung~" *whines*
I smirk a little. Jimin stole a kiss on Jungkook's cheeks, before he could react and the others start laughing.
(JIKOOK moments😱😵😍😘😆)

I glance back at the nerd, who didn't look much better.

"Nerd, wipe that nasty ass frown off your face, if you keep it up, you'll lose what's left of any cuteness."
With that said Jimin and I went our separate ways to our respective houses, Jin waiting till we got in safely, then drove off when we both got in our houses.

Bad Boys Need Love Too BTS: Yoongi Fanfic [SLOW UPDATES]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz