‘Come on, let’s go in, have some us time while the men are busy being manly, and before they start to argue.’ Ruby smiled, standing up and pulling me up. ‘Guys, we are just going inside’ She told them. All she got in reply was Norman putting a hand up to her. I looked at her and smirked.

‘Men and their toys.’

Once inside we both went up to the room Ruby was sharing with Norman and we both collapsed down onto the bed.  ‘This is all crazy.’

‘I know me and you with two super-hot famous guys.’ we both let out a small excited squeal. We needed time like this to keep us both sane.

‘Is it weird to say that I think Jensen is my one?’ I rolled onto my side to look at Ruby, she was laid on her back looking up at the celling.

‘Not at all. I think it’s more of the case that he is your one and not that you think it. He loves you babe.’

‘How do you know that?’

‘When we were in the room at comic-con getting some weapons, he may have admitted it to me, and then I gave him the ‘you better not hurt her speech’ If this wasn’t some kind of end of world shit, I would be telling you to make me head bridesmaid and god mother.’ She looked at me smiling. I sighed thinking. Would we actually have a real future? ‘Hey stop with the thinking miss, those things can still happen it will just be different from before, like everything else in life.’ She said. ‘Ha I’ve just thought in America they have shot gun weddings, if you guys ever got hitched, so to speak it would literally have to be a shot gun wedding with everyone having them’ I laughed, I loved the way Ruby looked at the negative things, always putting a positive spin on things.

‘Yeah that’s very true. What about you and Norman? Think he is the one?’ I asked as she sat up and smiled.

‘Yeah, I kinda do. We get on so easily, seem to have things in common and he is like a drug to me. Every time he kisses or touches me, its like I go weak’ She shivered at the thought. ‘So have you and Mr Ackles done the deed yet?’

‘Erm no, we could have nearly, earlier today. If the guys hadn’t have come back when they did, then we probably would have. Don’t think its rushing anything do you?’

‘Nie-mo hun, make the most of every moment you have. Go get yourself some of that hot body.’ She winked.

‘Oi do you mind that is my boyfriends hot body you are talking about.’ I teased . ‘His body is just wow though isn’t it?’

‘Haha, oh your not kidding there. I can’t grumble at Normans though.’ She thought for a moment. ‘Enough of thinking of hot men otherwise we might drown in drool. Fancy getting a bit dolled up for the last night here?’

‘Now that sounds like a good idea. The make-up stuff is in your bag isn’t it’ She nodded, getting up from the bed and walking over to the wardrobe and pulling out her backpack, she opened it and pulled out a medium sized make up cosmetics case.

‘Lets show them boys what hot foxes they have got. Who knows the next time we will have the luxury of being able to doll up. Oh did you bring your sexy black underwear you got from La Senza before we left?’ I nodded. ‘You should wear that for Jensen tonight. He won’t know where to look.’ I thought about it for a moment, It was true I should be making the most of every moment.

‘I never asked you, if you and Norm had done it yet?’ I questioned Ruby as I pulled back my brown hair away from my face so that Ruby could start applying some foundation to my face.

‘Nope, not yet. Like you could have done on a few occasions just didn’t. Norman is all about self control.’

‘Sod that. Sounds like you will have to do the same as me and jump him.’

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