Chapter 32 - America

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~Persephone's POV~

I was standing in front of the airport when Jeanette jumped out of her car.

"Long time, no see," she beamed.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that by the way. London has been a lot more than I expected," I frowned.

She looked me in the eyes and smiled, "It's fine! I'm just glad we stayed in touch."

Jeanette was the same as when I left. She was just as beautiful, with a smile that could light up a room, radiant blonde hair, and pale ivory skin. Since everything had been changing so rapidly, I felt a sense of comfort that Jeanette had not changed.

"Seph. You alright?"

I broke out of my trance, "Y-Yeah, why?"

"You were staring at me," she giggled.

"Sorry. Just thinking."

She flashed another electric smile and opened the passenger door, "Come on, let's go get you settled in."

"Where did my stuff go?"

She laughed, "I put them in the back while you were thinking."

I smiled and got in the car. Jean closed the door, walked to the other side and got in. Her house was about a half-hour drive from the airport. On the way home, we got fully caught up on each other's lives. Jeanette told me she moved into a new place after I moved to London. We eventually pulled into a small parking lot. I looked out of the window to see eight houses lined up side by side. Each house was a different color with contrasting trims, stairs, and shutters.

Jeanette stopped the car, "This is the place."

"Which one?"

"The blue one."

The blue one was the last one on the right. It had waist-high sunflowers lining the edges, window boxes full of tiny purple flowers on the upstairs windows, a bird feeder in the yard, and a swing on the front porch.

We got out of the car, I grabbed my stuff, and we walked up to Jean's house.

When we got to the front door, she turned to me and said, "What do you think so far?"

I smiled, "I can definitely tell it's yours."

She opened the front door and motioned me inside. I walked inside, when I heard something start running.

"Jeanette! There is something in here!" I screamed.

She closed the door, "Calm down. It's just Toby."

A tiny Yorkie came bounding down the hallway. I gave out a loud sigh and smiled.

"He's nothing to worry about. He should get used to you in a few days. But let me show me your room."

I followed her to a large room on the second floor.

"I hope it's not too small," Jeanette frowned.

I sat down on the bed, "Are you kidding? This is bigger than my room in London!"

"Glad you like it. I'll leave you to get settled. Come downstairs if you need anything," she smiled, closing the door.

I pulled out my phone to see that I had about ten missed calls from Dan, so I called him.

Dan: "Seph! Where the hell are you?"

Me: "America."

Dan: "What?! Are you shitting me right now?"

Me: "No. I came here because my brother is in the hospital."

Dan: "Where are you staying?"

Me: "With an old friend from school."

Dan: "Are you okay? Do you need me to come over there?"

Me: "I'm fine."

Dan: "How long are you going to be there?"

Me: "Until Playlist Live."

Dan: "Then you're coming back home."

Me: "Yeah, my friend and I are coming back."

Dan: "Alright, good."

Me: "How is Phil?"

Dan: "A lot better. He should be out any day now. What about your brother?"

Me: "I haven't been to the hospital yet."

Dan: "You should check on him. I know how much he means to you."

Me: "I'll go in a bit."

Dan: "I have to go Phil's calling. Hope Tristan's alright. Love you, bye."

Dan hung up. I got up, put away my stuff, and looked around a bit. I changed then went downstairs.

"Hi. Does the room suit your fancy?"

I smiled, "Yeah. It's amazing."

I walked over to the back door.

"So, Seph, what do you want to do?"

I turned around and looked to the floor, "Can we visit my brother?"

"Of course," she beamed.

We got in the car and headed toward the hospital.


Nǐ hǎo!

This chapter was weird and kinda pointless. But it's 6 am and I haven't slept. So while everyone is reading this I will be passed out. I also wanted to say that I'm looking for small writing projects when I get writer's block on this thing. So if you would like me to write any oneshots, imagines, or short stories, message me or comment your ideas and I'll be more than happy to try writing some of them!

Peace my lovelies!

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