Chapter 2- I'm Gonna Spend the Night

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~Persephone's POV~

"Persephone?" I heard a strange, yet familiar voice question from a far.

"Uh, yeah. Dan?" I said, as I stood up and walked towards the tall, dark-haired guy.

"That's what I'm told," Dan said, as he opened his arms to hug me.

I laughed under my breath and hugged him, he was warm and perfect, and I didn't want to let go. Finally another person, someone real, not just online. I moved to London about three years ago and Dan is the only friend I've made since I've been here (I realize how anti-social I am).

"This is my flat mate, Phil," Dan said, motioning behind him to his ebony-haired friend.

Phil and I shook hands and introduced ourselves, but neither Dan nor Phil needed to introduce themselves to me, for I knew them all too well.

We sat at a table and ordered drinks, "So, you said you've seen our videos?" Dan asked, as he fixed his hair.

I told just a little lie and said, "Yeah, I've seen a few of them."

I didn't want to lie, but I think the truth (that I've seen all of their videos a million times) would scare them.

"Cool. What's your favourite?" Dan questioned, staring directly at me now.

"Honestly, I don't have a favourite. I love all the ones I've seen," I said, looking away.

We got our drinks and went on a walk, Phil was mostly quite as he drank his coffee and walked right next to Dan (Phil would give me tiny glances every now and then and was kind of giving me the vibe that he didn't like me).

Dan was asking endless questions, but one struck me hard, "Why don't you have an accent?"

The answer was simple, I grew up in America not England, but hearing someone say it aloud was almost terrifying.

When I didn't answer right away, Dan stopped walking and looked at me, "Persephone, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just cold," I say, and rub my arms.

Dan threw his arm around me and pulled me closer, "Is this better?" Dan asked, his brown eyes sparkling as he looked down at me.

"Y-y-yeah. T-thanks," I stuttered, being mesmerized by Dan's magnificent eyes.

We began walking again, and I noticed Phil giving me literal death glares, as Dan held onto me.

It started to get dark, "I should be heading home," I said, as I looked up at Dan again.

"Alright, Phil and I can walk you home," Dan said, gleaming with excitement. I could tell Dan liked me and Phil hated me and I knew Dan had a plan to spend the night at my house.

We walked for a while when we finally reached my building, "This looks expensive. How big is your flat?" Dan asked, scaling the building.

"Around the same size as yours," I said, as we walked in the lobby and started the monstrous climb of the stairs.

"A one bedroom flat! As big as ours!" Dan exclaimed, every word was very breathy and he was practically panting, as we had reached the tenth floor and he wasn't the most athletic person in the world.

"Two bedrooms. I forgot to tell you, I have a flat mate, his name is Ivan, but he travels a lot," I say, as I reach the top of the stairs on the 12th floor.

I opened the door leading off the stairwell into a long corridor and pointed to the door of my flat, "All the way down, on the left."

We reached my door and went inside. Dan was instantly drawn to the wall of windows in the lounge.

"This place is amazing!" Phil exclaimed, as he looked around.

"It's alright, I guess. We need a bit more space, but this has done well so far," I said, as I started a pot of coffee.

Dan and Phil gazed at me in astonishment when I admitted that this flat was somewhat small for my flat mate and I.

"Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?" I said, as pulled a mug from the cupboard.

They both said no so, I finished making my coffee and sat on the sofa. Dan sat down next to me and Phil sat in the chair on the other side of the room, I turned on the TV and we watched a cooking show.

"It's getting pretty late. We should be heading home," Phil said, as he stood up and made his way to the door.

Dan stood up, stretched, yawned, and said, "If it's alright with Seph, I'm gonna spend the night here."

Dan and Phil both looked at me, waiting for a response.

My first thought was, who gave him the right to call me Seph, but then I thought about it and said, "Sure, why not. Phil, you can stay too, if you want."

Phil politely declined and went home, which left Dan and I to spend the night alone together in my flat.

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