Time Flies

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Violetta POV
It's been 3 months that I like Leon. Whats going to happen? What does he feel for me? Why can't google just answer all these questions? 3 months that Leon helped me from moving on. Those amazing 3 months of everything I wished for.
3 months.....
3 months.....
Luckiest months I have.
Leon Vargas, in my head all over again. Leon Vargas, the person I like.
Leon Vargas, the person that helped me move on from Tomas Heredia.
Leon Vargas, the person I hope I'm destined to be with.
And the worst is.
Leon Vargas, one of my bestfriends.
I'm afraid that he wouldn't like me back. Or even worse, if he knew.


"Hey Cami!"

"So, it's been 3 months that you like Leon! And it's ALMOST, going to be your Fourth Month tomorrow!"

"Really? Thats great!"

"Don't get too excited Vilu! *laughs*"

"But why? It's really exciting!"

"But after your fourth month. Guess what."


"If you like him after four months, you Love him already."

"W-What? Are you serious?"

"Yeah! And you admit your feelings, get over Tomas and Happily Ever After!"

"Happily Ever Afters don't exist in my life."

"But Vilu, Happily Ever Afters are already coming for you! First one is that your dad already allowed you to go here in the Studio! And next, you got over Tomas! Whats next? Being together with Leon?"

"Right. Right."

"So, let's go to class?"

"Yeah totally."

Me and Cami walked into Angie's room and listened to her.

"So! Guys! I'm proud to say that the show we've been working on is going to be next week on Saturday night!"

We all cheered loudly and gave an applause. All of us have smiles on our faces. After all of the practices, finally! A show!

"So, since this is the last week of practices. Let's make it fun! So, let's all sing together!"

We were all excited of what Angie made us do. Because finally! We won't sing our parts alone this time!
After two hours, we all went to our next class, Gregorio's.

"So, Angie already announced to all of you that the show is going to be on Next Saturday Night. And since it's going to be next week. The dance practices are going to be more tensed. So don't expect that you all could relax. Work hard, it's already next week. Now, we shall begin."

All of us went to our places and did the choreography.
Yay! Break time!

"Hey Vilu!"

"Hey Fran!"

"Whats up?"

"I'm fine, you?"

"I'm fine as well. Anyway wheres Cami?"

"I don't know, lets find her."


We searched for Camilla in the whole studio. And finally, we found her in Beto's room.
~end of Violetta's POV

Camilla POV
After Gregorio's class, I was about to leave, but I felt someone hold my hand.

"Camilla, could we talk?"

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