Dance Partners

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Violetta POV
First whole day with Heartbreak. Oh well. I took a bath, got my clothes on then woke up the girls.

"Cami! Fransesca! Rise and Shine for a school day!"

"It's Monday? Already?!"

"Yes, Yes it is."

"Oh my! I'd have to take a bath."

"I'll go after you Cami!"

"I'll be waiting for you girls here."

"Okay. I don't want to go down to Mr. Castillo by myself. It's just scary."

"Hey! My dad isn't that scary. Atleast not as before."


While me and Fransesca were chatting about Tomas trouble Angie came in.

"Morning Girls!"

"Morning Angie!"

"Well, how are you both? And where's Cami?"

"Taking a bath."

"Don't you both want to go down already?"

"I'm just waiting for them. Until they could finish, they don't want to stand dad ALONE."

"I understand. But German isn't as scary as before."

"I hope."

"He changed."

"Dad actually changed because of Angie."

"Vilu! Don't bring that topic up!"

"You're smiling so wide!"

"And blushing too."

"Fran it's your turn."

"Thanks Cami."

"Well I have to go now."

"Bye Angie!"


As Angie went out of my room me and Cami talked about Gregorio.

"Oh no!"


"Gregorio is going to assign us dance partners today for our assignment!"

"Whats the point?"

"I'm curious about who's going to be my partner Vilu."

"So? What? We always dance in Gregorio's class."

"Vilu, you have to choreograph a ROMANTIC dance with your MALE partner."

"Are you serious?!"

"Thats the curiousity I've been talking about!"

"Shoot! Ugh, it would be okay if it's the Funky kind, but it's the ROMANTIC kind. Why would Gregorio do that?"

"Duh? To kill us? To let class be harder. We all know him Vilu."

"Ugh. Oh well."

"Vilu! Cami! I just heard that Gregorio is partnering us to choreograph a ROMANTIC dance with a MALE partner?!"

"And that's serious."

Who could my partner be? Well, it's impossible that it would be Tomas because he left for Spain. Then who? I'm too curious.

"And I hope one of us gets partnered with Maxi."

"Maxi would be a lucky charm, because he's our bestfriend!"

"Well, let's just all hope."

After that random conversation we all went downstairs and ate breakfast.

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