Ch:25 When My Heart Breaks

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Blair's POV

Blair's POV

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I wake up the next day to get ready for school. It's Friday so the last day for school before the weekends. I've already made plans with Nathan to party this weekend. We're going bar hopping tonight and then tomorrow he's throwing a party at his house. Fun!

I wake up to see a message from Asher on my phone. And immediately my face lights up with a big smile on my face. I open it and check what it has to say. My face immediately drops after reading the message.

Busy, can't pick you.

That's all the message said. We've been going to school together ever since middle school. Him suddenly telling me this without any explanation was kind of weird. I stop thinking about it and hope it has nothing to do with what happened yesterday.

I get dressed in cute blue cut off shorts and a striped top. I don't bother calling any of the drivers and drive myself to school.


As soon as I reach my locker Mia and Lisa greet me with excited squeals and giggles.

"Omg Blair, you guys are gonna be so cute together!" Lisa says excited.

"Think about the babies they would make Lisa! They are gonna be beautiful!!" Mia says "I call dibs for godmother."

"You know I think we've waited long enough for this to happen!" Lisa says

"I know and it has finally happened! My ship has sailed!" Mia replies.

"What's up with you? Why aren't you excited with us!" Mia screeches taking both my hand in hers and jumping around.

How does she do that in those heels?

I quietly pull my phone out and show them the message. They assure me it's nothing. Cause they know Asher is in love with me. It means nothing.

I feel a little happy and make my way to class hoping nothing goes wrong.


It's lunch right now and I haven't seen Asher the entire day. He didn't come to French today, I've got a little worried.

Mia, Lisa, Ryan and I are sitting on our usual table with a few other people, munching on our lunch and gossiping.

Apparently Mr Marshell, the maths teacher is getting married to the librarian next weekend. Hope the marriage removes the stick out of his ass and he becomes a little friendly.

Naomi was caught with a jock in the janitors closet. Naomi was on her knees if you know what that means.

And for the last a lot of people have seen Mia and Blake together a lot.

I raised my eyebrow at that to which Mia turned pink and dismissed it off saying it was nothing.

While we were chatting Ryan casually put his arm around me.

Mia and Lisa's face turn uncomfortable showing pity. I frown wondering what was wrong. I look at them trying to get an answer. They grimace looking behind me.

I turn and that's when I see Asher sitting at the populars table, Naomi Lockheart on his lap, sucking each others face as if the world was coming to an end. I catch Mia and Lisa giving me a sympathetic look but I turn away. I touch the heart shaped locket that he once gave me and feel all the more sad.

I give them a smile trying to hide all my emotions. It's like my heart physically broke into pieces. He's been my best friend. I trusted him through everything. Yesterday when we kissed I thought it meant something. But guess I was just another girl who he could kiss and leave.

I maintain my pokerface and finish my lunch. Mia and Lisa try talking to me about it but I assure it's all fine.

I bunk rest off the day and drive myself home.

I reach my room and drop on my bed that's when all the water works start. I sob like a baby holding onto my chest and letting out all my sadness.

I couldn't let any of the girls see me cry. If Naomi would have seen me cry she would use it against me and break me. They just need some gossip to humiliate anyone.

Leila comes into my room.

"Ms Blair what happened?" She asks.

"I hate him." I sob repeating it again and again.

"Ms Blair, who?" She asks frantically.
"I call Mr Asher. He make you feel better." She says going out to call him.

"Noo" I yell at her.

"I hate him." I cry hoping this is all a dream.

I sob more while Leila holds me to her. Rubbing my head and soothing me to sleep.


I wake up to messages and missed calls from Mia and Lisa. And one from Nathan asking if we were still on tonight.

I tell Nathan that I would have to cancel and that I was sorry.

He said it was fine but that I would have to come to his party tomorrow. I agreed.

Next I called Mia and Lisa and we decided to have a sleepover at my house. Mia said that Asher is a dîck for doing that to me and that he would be paying for it! I said it wasn't necessary but apparently my words weren't counted. Even Lisa agreed with her. So we were gonna meet up today and discuss 'the best revenge'.

Ooohhh broke your heart there. Sorry xx

But don't worry still so much more to come

Tell me whom do you ship Blair with?

A. Asher
B. Ryan
C. Nathan

Don't be shy to


And if somebody wants a dedication this is how you get one.

I usually give it to those who vote on all my chapters and comment wherever they feel like it!

Comments and votes are highly appreciated cause it lets me now if i'm doing good :)

Love xo

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