Ch:4 When He Turns Green Like The Jelly

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Blair's POV

Mrs Claudette enters the class. "Good Morning, today we won't be starting with practical cooking. I'll just distribute the recipe sheet for all the dishes that we'll be making this year. You kids can talk or do whatever that you teenagers like doing."

Mrs Claudette is a fifty year old lady. She's soft and warm and reminds me of my grandma. And also I'm her favorite student. She always calls me for anything. I'm just that loved.

"Blair, come ahead. Why don't you help me with distributing the recipe sheets."

Beside me Asher snickers "teacher's pet" he whispers. Making everyone chuckle around us. I stick my tongue out at him and go to the front to help Mrs Claudette.

Everyone is partnered in groups of two and are standing at their booth.
Just as I start distributing the sheets someone knocks on the door and enters in.

A boy almost 6" high, blonde hair with piercing blue eyes enters with a sheet in his hand.

"Umm, Mrs Claudette?" He asks, looking at me with a confused expression.faintshe's British.

"No! she's at the back, in the pantry."

His cheeks turn  pink and he smiles sheepishly, "Sorry, I just saw you here distributing the sheets to the students, so thought it was you."

Mrs Claudette comes back,"Oh! you must be the new student,umm.."

"Ryan Harold" Ryan supplies in his British accent looking at me. I start smiling widely. I think I look like a baboon.

Asher looks at me with a frown and immediately pulls me to our station.

"I still need to distribute these." I tell him showing the sheets that were still in my hand.

He takes it from my hand and passes it to Alisha.

"Go pass it to everyone."Alisha looks at me with a scowl on her face, but does what Asher tells her to do.

"Well, since everyone is partnered up you will have to join someone in a group of three". She says looking around.

"Blair, I hope you and Asher don't mind," She asks me. Of course she asks me, I'm her favourite student.

Ryan looks at me hopefully, giving me a small smile.
I reply with a yes, when Asher grumbles a small no.

I look at him questioningly while Ryan gives me a grin and comes to join us at our station.

Guys at Preston High don't flirt with me or even try to ask me out. Asher kind of has a silent claim on me and no ones allowed to date me. In all my 18 years of life I have never dated. I'm no plain Jane. In fact, this summer I was vacationing in Italy with my family, and had lost my virginity to Roman, an Italian waiter who I met at a bistro. We spent the entire summer together and I had the time of my life. He was sweet and nice and that accent! I knew it was nothing serious between us, but I wanted to do it. My parents were too occupied with business to know where I was. But Asher did throw a hissy fit when I told him what happened. Asher is my first kiss. Cliché isn't it.

It happened when we were six. We were in the theatre room at Asher's  place, watching the little mermaid. Fiona had made us popcorn and we had sneaked in some gummy bears from the kitchen. We weren't allowed to eat too much calories. We were watching the part when Eric asks Ariel to marry him. Asher suddenly gets up,
"I have got something to do."
"Can't you do it later we're still watching the movie,"I ask, pouting at him.
" No, it's important." He kisses my cheek and runs away.
The movie ends and I go to their backyard to wait for Asher.
He was standing there in his daddy's big suit and a tie that reached the ground because of his small height, with a flower in his hand. A peony, my favourite.
I look at him giggling,"What are you doing Ashy?"
"Blair, I want to be your prince eric"
"Will you mwarry mwe." Asher couldn't say his Ms properly yet.
I giggle softly, "yes" I reply shyly.
Fiona gives him a licorice ring to put  on me and that's when he kisses me. I turn bright red and run awayAsher looks at me with a toothy grin. His front teeth were broken, he looked funny.

"Hello mate, Ryan." Ryan introduces to Asher, giving him his hand to shake it.

Asher stares at him with an intense look and then turns away. He engages himself in a conversation with Alisha, who is sitting behind us.

Well, that went well.

"So you new around here?"I ask Ryan, trying to make up for Asher's rude behaviour.

"Yeah, just shifted from England." He replied giving me a small grin.

"Why did you move? " I asked.

"My dad got sent here for his job. So, mom and I came here with him." He tells me.

I melt there, listening to him speak in that accent.

"Umm Blair," he calls me when I don't respond.
His Blair sounds like Blaeh.*faints*

"Yaah, sorry just got distracted." I tell him turning pink.

"Do you mind showing me around?I'm kinda new here and the school is big. A girl already asked me but I'm a little too scared to be with her. She was constantly touching me and talking in a weird voice."

"Naomi?" I ask him.

"Yes, I think that's her name."

Of course, as soon as she sees a hot guy she has to pounce on him.
Did I just call Ryan hot?

"Well, it's okay, I don't mind. Show me your schedule. I'll help you."
Along with Home Ec he has Geography with me.

"Next is Geography, and since we have it together I'll walk you."

"Cool, thanks!" he tells me.

The bell rings and we start packing our things. I'm about to make my way out with  Ryan when Asher comes up to me, "Hey, aren't you coming to lunch with me?"

"I'm gonna show Ryan around school," I tell him. "I'll see you later, after school." I tell him hugging him giving a kiss on his cheek.

His face falls, but he immediately wipes it away and gives me a small smile, nodding a yes.

I tell Mia not to wait up for me because I'm showing Ryan around. She wiggles her eyebrows in a suggestive manner and tells me an okay.

I make my way out with Ryan.

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I've been making a lot of changes in the previous chapters. But I want the plot to be clear before I move ahead.
Check out the changes .

Love xo

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