Mexican Cheater

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The whistle blew and the On beats cheered they were one step away from the finals. Everyone was happy and it was time for another party but this time at Federico's house.
The music was very loud and everyone was there Fran and Diego were drinking outside on the terrace. Violetta was with Camila while Broadway was with Maxi and Andres. Naty was talking to Ludmila who had come to congratulate Fede, who was talking with Leon. Then Lara walked in.

Lara: hey Leon.
Leon: Lara hey *awkward* this is Fede my team mate.
Lara: yes you're Ludmi's boyfriend.
Fede: yeh I am, I should go find her see you around. * leaves*
Leon: what are you doing here Lara?
Lara: well Ludmi told me the good news and wanted to congratulate you plus you've been avoiding me since we you know.
Leon: yeh I remember, actually I have been trying to forget.
Lara: come on Leon *comes closer to him* don't pretend you didn't feel anything.
Leon: who said I was pretending. *lara's smirk turns into a frown as she see Violetta walking over*
Lara: maybe I can change that

pulls him into a kiss but Leon stops after a few seconds to see Violetta nearly tearing up.

Leon: Vilu I can explain.
Vilu: I don't want to hear it *runs outside*
Leon: what the hell Lara * runs after Violetta * Vilu wait.
Vilu: leave me alone Leon.
Leon: that wasn't what it looked like.
Vilu: so you weren't kissing her.
Leon: fine it was exactly what it looked like.
Lara: hey guys, did you enjoy the show Violetta?
Vilu: you're such a Bitch.
Leon: that kiss was bad
Lara: you're right it wasn't nearly as good as the one yesterday.

Vilu looked at Leon as he just looked down with guilt.

Vilu: stay away from me *walks off in tears*
Leon: *calling after her* don't leave. Violetta!! *tear rolls down his cheek* how could you do this.
Lara: I just want the best for you and besides you kissed back which just proves your feelings for me. Bye honey. *walks off laughing*
Leon: Damn it! *kicks a chair over and walks in*

Fran and Diego appear above on the terrace, they had heard the whole thing.

Fran: what is it with Mexicans and cheating.

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