The girlfriend complication

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I was walking with Maxi to lunch and we sat down at a table. I noticed Violetta and the guys from football all on a table. They must be the really annoying popular people. But trust maxi is an awesome guy.

Maxi: but seriously man this club is dope. Dancing literally fall from the ceiling they have kick ass music.
Leon: sounds cool I am in. We will go straight after the production auditions.
Maxi: wait, wait, are going to that?
Leon: yeh
Maxi: why?
Leon: Violetta asked me to and dancing is cool.
Maxi: yeh dancing is cool and so is Violetta. That is the problem. I am not cool, so by definition u are not cool.
Leon: *scoffs* that is stupid. What is the problem if Violetta is cool and by "definition" I am not.
Maxi: cool people don't hang out with non cool people. It is an abomination.
Leon: abomination!!
Maxi: okay not an abomination but it is weird. Plus Diego would kill you.
Leon: because........
Maxi: *sighs* because Diego has a huge crush on Violetta and he will destroy you if you ruin his chances with her.
Leon: well I don't like her like that, we just met.
Maxi: that is not what Diego will think.

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