You'll never treat yourself right darlin'

But I want you to

If I let you know

That I'm here for you

Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you



I've just let these little things

Slip out of my mouth

'Cause it's you

It's you

Oh it's you

They add up to

And I'm in love with you

And all these little things


I won't let these little things

Slip out of my mouth

But if it's true

It's you

It's you

They add up to

I'm in love with you

And all your little things

I sigh as the song ends. I look over to Emma, and see she has a tears in her eyes. I grab her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. she looks at me and smiles.

"time to meet our idols." she whispers.


later, backstage:

we flash our passes to the security guards, and they let us through. after being directed down an endless sea of halls, we reach the boy's dressing room.

Paul stands in front of the door. he glances at our badges and nods, stepping aside as the door opens, revealing 5 insanely attractive and talented boys.

surprisingly, Emma stays calm. I know we're both dying on the inside. the boys step out into the hallway, and Paul walks about ten feet away, to give a little more privacy. it's only me and Emma, so there isn't need for security, but he doesn't know that.

"hi there, I'm Allison, and this is my best friend, Emma." I say, waving. Emma waves and gives a shy smile. wait, Emma? shy? no way!

"hello, lovely to meet you girls." Liam says, shaking our hands politely.

Louis, on the other hand, attacks me in a big bear hug.

"lou.... cant.... breathe..." I stammer. he steps back smiling.

"sorry love!" then attacks Emma in a similar bear hug, while I giggle.

harry and zayn both give me polite hugs and hellos.

"wait, no hugs for me?" liam asks.

Emma and I giggle, each going forward to hug him.

finally, niall steps up to me, and gives me one of his famous "horan hugs" I smile and hug him back, trying to ignore the butterflies, and the sparks from where his face buries in my neck.

"nice to meet you, love." he says in my ear. I shiver slightly, and I don't think he noticed. thank god. he gave Emma a similar hug, but it was more awkward, since she's taller than him. by like, 3 inches. plus heels.

we took pictures, and Emma had them all sign autographs in her notebook. when they asked me what i'd like them to sign, I shook my head.

"no, I don't do signatures. no offense, but it's just your name scribbled out. I don't really see the point in that." I say, politely as possible.

they look at me with what I think is respect, before going on to ask us about ourselves.

"so, where are you girls from?" Liam asked.

"Miami, Florida. we both live with my parents." she says. they look at me, obviously wondering why I live with Emma ad not at my house. I shake my head.

"long story." I say.

"okay, erm... WHAT'S YOU FAVORITE COLOR?" Louis yells.

"geeze Lou! don't have to make me go deaf! blue!" I say, clutching my ears. they nod, looking at my dress. huh, I forgot it was my favorite color.

"purple." Emma says, after a slight giggling fit. hey, her clothes are her favorite color too! and the boys seem to notice. they laugh a bit.

"favorite food?" niall asks. of course, he would ask that. I smile to myself.

"hmmm. I love tacos and pizza!" Emma says, and harry high fives her, probably for the tacos thing.

"I love to many foods to pick any favorites. but I do love potatoes." I say. Niall laughs a bit. I look at him questioningly.

"woah, you're like a girl version of niall! are you Irish?" harry says, laughing.

"well, considering niall's awesome, I take that as a compliment. and no, im not Irish, as far as I know. but I might be?" I say, giggling. wow, I have giggled a lot today. I notice myself blushing, because I realized that niall was looking at me approvingly. oh, I did call him awesome...

"sorry girls, time to go." Paul says, coming forward. we hug all the boys goodbye, and as I step forward to hug niall, he whispers in my ear.

"maybe I'll see you around, love?" he says, although it was more like a question.

"I hope so." I smile at him warmly. he returns the gesture, and I turn to leave.

"bye girls!" the boys chorus in unison behind us.

we laugh, and yell a quick "bye!" before heading back through the doors. back to a normal life... I sigh mentally. normal...


well, there's the third chapter! how'd you like it? much better than my first draft in my opinion. comment your opinion below! I'll have the fourth chapter up ASAP, and I can tell you, that's where things will start getting interesting! so dont stop reading! as always, love you all! -Mo

The Luck Of The Irish: Re-WrittenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin