Her eyes widened and she gave me a look. "And why not?"

"I don't remember his usual and he won't tell me!" I exclaimed.

"Ohhh...I see what you did there, Raj." She laughed and waved her hand.

"Do what?" I was seriously confused.

"Giving you hard time. He did the same thing to me when he first started coming here."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow and then turned to Raj. "Why do you do that?"

"Helps people remember," Raj replied casually.

"I don't think so." I disagreed, frowning. I turned to Lauren. "Right?"

"Sorry Kaci, but I have to agree with him. It actually helped me and it'll eventually help you," Lauren said.

"Ugh, don't I at least get a hint?"

"Sure," Raj said. "There are two of a type of cookie and a slice of cake."

I sighed. Whenever I found out what his usual was, I was definitely going to write it down so I would remember, and not deal with this hassle. Then just like that, it was like a lightbulb came on in my head. "Two sugar cookies and a slice of red velvet cake!" I blurted out.

Raj's eyes widened in surprise. "That's actually correct. Impressive, Lil' Red."

I gave him his desserts and then smirked at him. "You were giving me a hard time but then I remembered."

"Yup, you did." He took a bite of his cookie.

Mrs. Beckham came out of the kitchen. "Lauren and Kaci, if you want, you two can take a ten minute break now," she said. "You two worked hard today and since Raj is here, you all can talk for a bit or whatever."

"You sure mom?" Lauren asked, looking a little surprised.

"Yeah." She smiled.

"Hmmm...okay." She gave her a confused smile. Her and I nodded and went over to a table to sit with Raj.

I turned to Lauren and giggled. "You looked surprised when your mom told us we can take a break," I said.

"Yeah that's because she usually doesn't say that." She looked confused all over again. "I'm glad you work here with me." She grinned, giving me a one-armed hug.

I turned to Raj, who was eating his other sugar cookie. Just watching him eating it made me hungry; my stomach growled. "I'm going to get a cupcake," I mumbled. I got up and went over to pay for a vanilla cupcake. I came back to the table and sat down.

"How do you like it?" Lauren asked. "Me and mom made that batch a little while ago."

"Awesome!" I said with my mouth full, giving her a thumbs up.

"Yay!" She beamed.

"Hey guys." We turned around and saw Remi standing behind us, smiling.

"Hey Remi," Lauren said to her. "Want anything?"

"Nope." She shook her head. "Just wanted to stop by and see how things were going."

"It's going good." She grinned.

"Yeah it's fine for the most part," I said. "Except Raj giving me a hard time earlier." I rolled my eyes at the recent memory.

"It wasn't THAT hard," Raj said, snickering.

"What did you do?" Remi asked Raj, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing!" He exclaimed innocently.

"Yeah you did!" I glared. I turned back to Remi. "He wouldn't tell me what he wanted and I had to figure it out."

"Well you did figure it out, besides, you didn't even take that long," Raj pointed out. "You all got extra money and business from me. You should thank me." He winked.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a look. We all talked for a few more minutes, and then Mrs. Beckham came back and said me and Lauren have a half an hour to go, and then we were free to go.

"Do you all want to come to my place a little later, after me and Kaci get off of work?" Lauren asked.

"Sure," I said and smiled.

"Yeah I don't have anything going on today," Remi said.

"What about you Raj?" Lauren asked him.

"Sure, why not?" He said, shrugging. "I'll see you all later then. I have to go home and do chores." He groaned.

"Okay, bye!" I called out after him, grinning. Sometimes I forgot how annoying he could be.

"See you later, Lil Red." He smiled and then walked out of the bakery.

Me and Lauren went back to work.


A/N: So Kaci and Lauren worked at the bakery and Raj came by, as usual.

Also, I don't know about you all, but I like baking better than cooking xD




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