"'Sup singing dancing car girl," Raj said to me, grinning as he ran his hand through his hair.

I felt my face turn red. "The name's Kaci," I mumbled.

"Oh right...Lil' Red." He chuckled as I gave him an annoyed look.

"Hey, Raj. Liking your first day here so far?" Lauren asked him, smiling.

He nodded. "Yeah, sure beats my other school," he said.

Okay, now I was curious. "What school?" I asked.

"The one on the other side of town."

I winced. "Oh...that one."


There were two high schools in this town, one was bigger and was recently painted and looked newer, which was ours, and the other one was smaller, run-down, and was full of bad students, which was the one Raj had went to before he switched to ours.

"What made you switch?" I didn't know why I was asking him questions, let alone talking to him.

"We moved to this side of town," Raj replied casually. "Now I'll get to go to the bakery even more often." He winked at me and chuckled.

"What? You already go often enough. On Sunday, you came by twice!" I sounded whiney but didn't care. Now he was going to make fun of me basically 24/7.

"Aw, what a mean thing to say. That hurt my feelings." He sarcastically said, putting his hand over his chest.

"Miss LaSpina, is there a problem?" Mr. Bentley said to me, giving me a stern look.

"N-no sir," I said quietly, looking down at my desk.

"Good, now please stop distracting the new student. You can talk and flirt with him later. For right now, he needs to catch up to what we're doing." The class snickered and I felt my face flush.

"Yeah, Lil' Red. We can talk and flirt later," Raj said, winking at me.

I gave him a look and opened my mouth to say something, but couldn't think of a good comeback. I wasn't really a witty and sarcastic person so it didn't come to me quickly.

He snickered and then turned around to do our class assignment. Because of him, I could barely concentrate on my schoolwork.

A few hours later when we walked out of the hallway to go to lunch, me and Lauren saw Raj. "Raj, wait!" Lauren exclaimed, calling after him.

"Why are you calling him over?" I whined.

"Because he's new and doesn't know anybody, duh." She rolled her eyes and laughed.

Raj turned around. "Oh hey guys," he said, stopping in the hallway and waiting for us to catch up.

"Now we get to each lunch together!" Lauren exclaimed giddily as she put both of her arms around us.

We walked to the cafeteria like that. I saw Kristen, who was wearing a black and white polka dot print crop top and black shorts. She walked toward us. "Hey," she said to me and smiled.

"Hi," I said, giving her a strange look. I knew she was acting nice just because Raj was around us.

"Who's your friend?" She asked casually, smiling at him.

"That's Raj."

"Well, aren't you going to introduce me to him?" She looked at me as if to say, "Duh!"

"Hey, I'm Raj," he said to her casually, shaking her hand.

"I'm Kristen," she said, putting a few strands of hair behind her ears as she smiled. She looked around and then continued, "Well I'll see you around. You're cute by the way." She winked and then walked off confidently.

"Who was that hottie?" Raj asked us.

"A freshman," I replied. I definitely didn't want him to know that I was her sister, yet alone related to her.

His face fell. "Oh."

I burst out laughing. "Yeah that happens."

"Not cool." He frowned. "I guess we should get our lunch."

We walked to the lunch line and got our food. We went to sit at our usual table, which was in the back of the cafeteria.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. The lunch line took forever," Remi said as she sat down, rolling her eyes. "Plus I had cramps-" She stopped talking when she realized Raj was there. Her face turned red. "Oh...I'm sorry I didn't know you were there."

"It's fine, I have sisters," Raj said and we chuckled. At least I'm not the only one that humiliated myself in front of him.

"Oh...okay..." Remi took a bite of her sandwich, still looking embarrassed.

"Made any new friends, Raj?" Lauren asked him, looking eager.

"Nope," he said, shaking his head. "It's only the first day of school."

"Well either way, we're your friends." She grinned.

"Yeah." He glanced at me and then looked back at his tray.

We ate our food and talked more until the bell rang.


A/N: So Raj goes to Kaci's school now. :o




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