~~Angry Christmas #2~~ •Sakamakis, Mukamis•

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"Chocolate?" Yuma muttered, "Hey, dis is for me, right?" He soon smirked.

Subaru grabbed it, "Fuck no, [Y/N]'s gonna give it to me."

"Fuck you." Yuma grabbed it back, "Mesubuta's giving it to me."

A vein popped up on your head, you forcefully grabbed the chocolate back, "Stop it! You're ruining the box with your yaoi hands!" You exclaimed.

Yuma looked at you with a wtf face, "What did u just say!?"

You scoffed, "Hmph!"

Suddenly, you felt someone tapping your shoulders, "[Y/N].... is that.. for me?"

You noticed that it was Azusa, "Azusa, o–"

"Teddy smells chocolate." Azusa got shoved aside, "Ah..." Azusa → D:

Kanato appeared in front of you, "Give it to me, [Y/N]-san. Teddy has been wanting chocolate for quite awhile now."

"Kanato, this is act–"

"What the hell, hysteric!" Ayato pushed Kanato away from you, "She's planning on giving that chocolate for me, not for ur goddamn stuffed animal!"

"What did you say!?" Kanato shouted, "Hey, you. It's not true, right!? You're gonna give that to me, rIGHT!?"

"Kanato, calm down–!"

Someone hugged you from behind, "Bitch-chan, I know you made it for me, nfu~ so let's just go to my room and eat it, ok?"

"Stay away from her, hentai!" Subaru shoved Laito aside. "That's horrible, Subaru-kun!" Laito whined. "Tch."

"Hand the chocolate over, [Y/N]-san." Still wanting the choco, Kanato demanded.

"Kanato, I'll–"

"I keep telling you, the chocolate is for-" Before Ayato could finish his sentence, you gritted your teeth, preparing to shout.......


Everyone in the room's attention were directed at you. You glared at every each of the guy present there, "Stop making assumptions of your own and let me tell you who I'm giving this to!"

"Tch. Fine, speak up." Yuma grumbled.

"I'm giving this to–"

"Livestock, why were you screaming?"

You were surprised to hear a sudden new voice coming from behind you and turnt around only to find Ruki glaring down at you.

'Did he just interrupted me?' You were about to snap at him, saying how dare he interrupted you but then again, HE IS RUKI HELLO!?

You pouted and glared back at him.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys not to scream inside the house?" Ruki sighed before questioning all the guys present in the hallway in front of the living room.

"Tch. Ur not telling me wut to do, half-breed." Ayato snapped, glaring daggers at Ruki. Ruki returned the glare immediately, but his eyes were of course colder in a way.

"Got it!" Kou exclaimed as he grabbed the chocolate box away from you.

"K-Kou!!" You shouted.

"Hehe, I know you're giving it to me so I'll just open it okay?" His tone indicated that he was asking but he directly, without your permission, unraveled the ribbons.

"KOU, DONT–!" Your shriek were disturbed by a certain someone, "Enough!"

Reiji arrived in the hallway, taking the box away from Kou.

diabolik lovers drabblesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz