๑ Chapter 35 ๑ - Be More Like L, It Helps

Start from the beginning

    I slowly lift myself from my seat to, for what feels like the tenth time tonight, pace in front of the TV. I can feel it in the back of my mind - the want to just nod off, to welcome my drowsiness with open arms. I have to move, keep my blood flowing. It's not a challenge to stay up after everything that's happened in the last 48 hours, but it's not a walk in the park, either. I consider making some coffee since the kitchen isn't too far away, but decide against it so I don't risk waking any of them up. Have any of them gone through what I did? Days at a time without any rest? I stop walking. My eyes find Near, curled up slightly on the floor with only a pillow to support his head and surrounded by toys. You, probably. But... I look slightly to the right and see Halle sleeping by her computer, resting her head in her arms. Then I look up ahead to see Steven sleeping each on the small couch beside the coffee table. Right where they were when they fell asleep. Here, breathing and alive. I can only hope that Anthony is doing okay over in Los Angeles; Near recently sent him there to do... something. Something only between the mastermind and commander that even I can't know about. But I won't complain - I've hidden many things from lots of people. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding and find that my shoulders relax when I do so.

    I blink twice and shake my head. Where was I? I look up to a dark corner of the ceiling for a few seconds.


    Right, happiness. What made me happy? My brain answers me by remembering L. Yeah, he was probably the biggest factor to any happiness I had back then. But happiness involving him had strings attached; he was Kira's number one target. There was too much risk and too much at stake for my emotions being with him. And, well, stuff happened... I pause my thoughts for a moment to notice how I feel right now. I don't know what I'm feeling... Is it anything? The only thing I'm certain of is the fact that I know, deep down, I do not feel remotely sad. But what exactly is it? There's something there, I know there is... And now there's the hint of frustration. I let out a hushed groan of annoyance at not knowing how I feel at the moment, then I catch in the corner of my eye the shine of the TV.

    What time is it now? I turn around and take a few steps towards the screen and squint slightly at its brightness; on the bottom left corner I can make out 3:59am. I sigh and rub my eyes. Now I'm a bit conflicted. My body is exhausted and whines with every movement I make but my brain is currently in marathon mode.

    "Start already," I whisper to the TV. Characters flash across the screen with a voice-over for some kind of mundane product commercial. "Start... just start... Hurry up..." I take the nearest seat and hope that my stare will make the commercial end sooner. More images. Of people using the product. Of their smiling faces due to the help of said product. I don't have the patience to care about what exactly it is. Some kind of makeup...? ...More narration... If it doesn't start by the time I finish this thought I will--

    "Ladies and gentlemen! This... is... Kira's Kingdom!" That stupid theme song plays over the screams of the rambunctious studio audience. I gasp slightly and feel my heart rate pick up. Finally, I want to shout. I anxiously wait through the intro until Demegawa appears on the stage in his ridiculous white suit and royalty cape. Then I relax and prepare to take in whatever is supposed to make this episode "special," according to the announcer.

    "Everyone!" He shouts with his arms spread out to silence the crowd. "We've received over a million donations towards the completion of Kira's Kingdom!" He sways his arms around in one extravagant circular motion and ends with one fist by his head, probably to symbolize power or something. "With that, I've wasted no time expanding! With your help, the possibilities are endless! For one, our ratings have nearly doubled since we took down the SPK, Kira's biggest threat!" He has to talk over the crescendo of applause coming from the crowd after that sentence. "That. Is. Progress! And now, onto what I'm dying to show you all! I've chosen five leaders to help me with the Kingdom. Five leaders who, alongside with me, will spread Kira's message to the ends of the Earth!" The crowd roars for a while and Demegawa has to put a hand up to silence them. "Right now..." A precisely placed spotlight reveals that the leaders have been standing behind him the whole time. All wearing outfits similar to his. How dramatic must this show be? "I will introduce to you those I have chosen to be the new leaders of Kira's Kingdom!" He starts with the one farthest on the right, using some kind of jazz hands to indicate which person he's talking about. "The first is-!"

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