♪ Chapter 7 ♪ - Who Are You, Yagami Light?

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*** I can't be the only one who thinks the "BB" in "Los Angeles BB Murder Case" stands for "Beyond Birthday" am I? Just me, okay . . . I'm not the only one who thinks they say Beyond Birthday in Near's flasback in Death Note Relight 2, right? And, is Beyond supposed to like be L's twin or something, or does he just look so much like him? You know what, you don't have to listen to wittle ol' cray cray me, just go read xD And, (whoever comments on my stories) if you would like to, please comment on how the story sounds so far, thanks! ***

*Edit* Oh my. I completely forgot about these notes. God I was a weeb. Even had the damn random 'gomenasai' 'sugoi' crap. Shudders.


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Chapter 7

~Even if you do not actually possess the DEATH NOTE, the effect will be the same if you can recognize the person and his/her name to place in the blank.~

My eyes burn from blinking after staring at the three TVs for so long. They're all in one line with a matching static storm on them. It's dark in this area of the room, only lit by the screens, and we're surrounded with towers of tapes.

"That was footage of surveillance cameras at the station. The death of one of the F.B.I. agents is captured on here." Aizawa says lazily, pinching the skin inbetween his eyes, as if to dull a headache.

I'm too lethargic to be certain about something I saw on these tapes... but I feel like the agent walked in the train with a brief case and a yellow envelope... but only left with the case. I was certain when I saw it, but with every passing second that confidence drops slightly. No, no... I definitely saw... I shut my eyes tightly and tough out the burn. I'll just let Ryuuzaki say it. He definitely saw it.

"Let's see the following scenes again. Raye Penber passing the ticket gate on his way in, then him boarding the train, then finding the part where he dies on the platform." Ryuuzaki says, licking his two scoops ice cream on a waffle cone. Another snack? That doesn't look too bad... I want one!

"Okay, let's see..." saiys Aizawa, reseting the tapes. I get that this is my job, buy something like this is so boring I could cry. I think like a child. Aizawa has trouble finding what he needs. Anyday now...

"I think it's next to that." Matsuda says, helping Aizawa find the replay buttons, and he spots it right away. Finally. "Um, so based on the records I have here, Raye Penber comes through the west entrance of Shinguku Station at 3:11pm." Matsuda says tiredly. "Then at 3:13, he boards a train at the Yamamote line, but even if he was following someone at that time, I think it's gonna be very difficult for us to draw any real conclusions from this blurry video. Then at exactly 4:42pm -- oh, thank you very much, Watari." he says to Watari, who just gave him an icecream cone with two scoops. "Um, and at 4:42pm, he exits the train at Tokyo station and dies on the platform."

"Oh, thank you." I say as he gave me two. scoops as well; turns out this is mint icecream. I'm happy that my little wish earlier is now true - something a bit positive for once. Aizawa looks around enviously, waiting for his. Since he's sitting right next to me, the look on his face humors me and I chuckle. Small moments to smile or laugh that won't come around often should be taken advantage of if the situation won't be changed drastically because of it.

"It's quite strange, don't you think?" Ryuuzaki says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what do you find strange?" Yagami asks, who has three scoops.

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