♦ Chapter 3 ♦ -Forgotten Memories

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Chapter 3

~This note shall become proptery of the human world, once it touches the ground of (arrives in) the human world.~

The room had about 9 little children gathered around the computer screen. I was standing at the back of the room leaning against the wall, my arms crossed comfortably. It was the usual thing that happened every once in a long while; L would come over and talk to us, but not in person. It was always him talking through the laptop speakers, with his voice un-modified. We couldn't see him, but he had a web-cam, so he could see all of us. Maybe not us in the back as much, but he could see the whole room; he asked to be able to see everyone at Whammy's House.

That one kid, Near, was sitting far in the back too, close to the wall, right in front of me, but not exactly close enough for us to chat. Over to the right, that one kid, Mello, was eating a bar of chocolate, like always. The other smaller kids were surrounding the computer screen with the "L" image on it, asking questions, and getting their answers. That was all it usually was, questions and answers, then L would leave. But it was this one time where I really listened to everything he said. There was just one answer that I would always remember. I was about 17, almost 18, and I didn't know that within a year I would be adopted. L hardly came over, and when he did, I didn't really listen that much when he would answer a question, so I can't exactly remember his voice.

"I'm next!" said one kid excitedly.

"No, I'm next." said another. There were giggles around the room for a second, then L spoke again, his voice just the way it is, and not computerized.

"I try to invision the events that take place as individual elements. I can then make a note of each one, but I gain better understanding when I combine all of these again as a whole. Which is why, I have very bad handwriting." L said. I smiled while the kids in the room were laughing, Near just looking at the five Rubic's Cubes he solved in under two minutes. And Mellow was just being Mellow, eating chocolate somewhere in a corner. "Any other questions?" L asked.

"Oh, oh," said a little girl at the front. "Can tell me if there's something you're not good at, or maybe something that you're scared of?"

" ...Something I'm scared of?" L repeats.

"What, yeah right." said the boy sitting behind the girl. "L's not scared of anything."

"Well, I suppose, monsters." L says. The was more kind laughter.

"I am too." said the little girl.

"Dummy," said the same boy, "L's not the same as you." It was the next thing L said that made me suddenly glued to the screen.

"There are, many types of monsters in this world. Monsters who will not show themselves or who cause trouble. Monsters who abduct children. Monsters who devour dreams. Monsters who suck blood. And, monsters who always tell lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance. They are much more cunning than other monsters. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart. They eat, even though they've never experienced hunger. They study even though they have no interest in academics. They seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such a monster, I would likely be eaten by it. Because in truth, I, am that monster..."

I was staring at the screen, full of shock at what he just said. It was so... true. I hated those people who would lie. I mean, of course I've lied in the past, but I made sure it wouldn't harm others. But some of it was true for me, the friendship part. I could never make any friends, I just didn't know how. I didn't know how to love. That's why I spent my time reading, or studying, and when I would try to talk to someone, I would give up and just do more academic work. Over the years, it would change, and I would talk to some people, but it would usually be those ten-second chats about the weather or something.

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