chapter 21

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 I didn't know if it was a dream or not. But Riley was there and Mike was to. I couldn't move as I watch them walk them walk in.

 Mike stood above me one side of the bed and Riley was walking up behind Alice. "NOOO!" I screamed out. Then I watched as Riley wrapped his arm around Alice's waist.

 "LET HER GO!" I screamed out. I was finally able to move and I sat up and looked in the doorway and saw Edward but he looked like a see thru ghost. I started to breath heavy.

I pulled the IV line out of my arm and slowly started climbing out of the bed but my arm was grabbed. "ARRRGGHH! LET ME GO!" I turned my head to see Mike. I rip my arm away from him. I got up off the bed and fell to the floor trying to stand up.

 "HELLPP MMEE PPLLEEEAASSEE EEDDWWAARRDD YOU PROMISE ME!" Then the ghost figure of Edward was kneeling down in front me. "I'm right here baby!" He told me. "Edward what's happening?" Alice called out. "Alice don't move stay quiet. I'll explain later." He told her. I saw Mike walk behind the ghost Edward. Then Mike reached around and picked me up.

 "ARRRGGHHH!" I started kicking my legs and trying to take Mike hands off of me.

 The Edward ghost took Mike's hands off of a me and I fell to the floor and I started scooting backwards and backed into a wall.

 Then the ghost Edward kneeled down in front me again. "Your a ghost Edward!" I told him and I broke down. I slowly reach up to touch the side of his face. "It's real baby!" I lower my hand shaking to over his heart to feel his heartbeat and I felt it beating. "It's real baby and yours." I jumped and slammed myself into Edward so hard wrapping my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around me.

 "Baby I love you." He told me. "Don't let me go Edward." I told him. "I won't baby!" I need to feel him to know he was real. He picked me up and carried me out to the living area and I straddled him hanging onto him as tight as I could.


  Alice sat down beside us. Bella had a death grip on me on me and it didn't matter because I was going to let her.

 "What did Bella mean by you look like a ghost Edward?" Alice asked me. "Alice, yesterday when you walked in yesterday I was trying to help Bella because she finally broke down and told she doesn't know what's real anymore. To her she doesn't know what this world from the dream world right now. I think it happen when I went missing and when Mike and Riley first beat her up."  I explained.

 "Now I get why she doesn't want to go to sleep. You're the only one that can help her Edward. She said something to me before we went to rescue you and I didn't get it then but I do now. That if we didn't find you she was going to be dead anyways. You two are bonded for life Edward. You are more then her soul mate." She started to smile and laugh.

 "You two were destined to find each other. You were always meant for each for each other. True love Edward. Pure love from both your hearts." I watched Alice as she got up and walked to the door. "Edward your and Bella love is so strong for each other that it can't be broken. All you got to now is prove it to her. The one in your arms." Then Alice walked out.

 I looked down at Bella and noticed that Bella was sleeping. I kissed the top of Bella's head and smiled. I was going to prove this Bella and I was going to help her fight her battle because I wasn't going to let Mike win.

 "YOU HEAR ME MIKE YOU'RE NOT GOING TO WIN THIS BATTLE BECAUSE SHE MINE AND I LOVE HER." I pull Bella closer to me and lay us down on the couch and fall asleep with Bella in my arms.

Fight To Just Be The Best Book One#TheBestBookAwardOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora