chapter 19

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I hit the bed with my fist knowing I did it again. I slowly got up out of the the bed and limped to the doorway and seen Edward with his face buried in his hands. "You don't understand Edward!" He lifts his head up. "Then tell me so I can understand Bella." I look down to the floor. "I don't know if I can. I couldn't even let your sister fully. I always had to block everyone out because of this happening." He looked at me confused. "Of what happening Bella?" I motioned my hand over my body as I spoke. "This Edward. Me getting hurt. It's happen to me all my life and I hid it so well all my life and now look everyone one knows how weak I really am." I closed my eyes as the tears fell.

"I don't see that Bella!" I snapped my head up. "LIAR!" I snapped out and went for the door. "Bella stop!" I froze! "Bella I'm not lying to you at all. You not weak at all." I ignored what he said and limped out of the door.

I made my way to my office and locked the door. I grabbed something and hit the panel making sparks fly everywhere. I was making sure no one got in or out.

I limped backwards and wrapped my arms around me and fell to the ground.


I ran out soon after Bella and watched her go into office. I knew she locked the door. Then I heard something hit the wall and I heard sparks. "Damn it!" I turned and ran up to the bridge and went to the video screen and turned on the security screen. There was Bella laying on the floor. I hit the speaker for Alice. "Alice I need you asap on the bridge!" Not even two seconds later she ran in. "What you need.. Ohhh my!" She looked shocked into the video screen.

"Alice she burned out the door panel. Do you still think you can get in there?" She turned and looked at me with me with fear. "I don't know! All I can tell you is I can try brother. If she destroyed it. I can not promise it won't take me days."

"Alice just see what you can do please." She just turned and walked out. I reached up to the screen. "Your not weak Bella you're one of the strongest persons I know." Just then she let's out a blood curdling scream.

I got up and ran back down to her office knowing that I needed to get in there to her. I didn't know exactly what it was but I knew something else was wrong.


As I was laying here at first I thought I was seeing things in my head. So I closed my eyes and see if I was.

I wasn't, Mike was in my head but how. "You thought you could get rid of me so easily you're so wrong! See I can be your worst nightmare Bella." Then he shifted into this ugly two headed slimy alien. I let out the loudest scream I could. I knew if I did it wouldn't do me any good. I was alone.

I snapped open my eyes and started crawling around looking for somewhere to hide. I finally just crawled under my desk and just wished Edward was here now. I pushed him away because I do not know how to let anyone in.

I tried not falling asleep now because Mike was there. But he would start appearing in my office now. It's been two days since I locked myself in here.

Then I feel something pull on my foot. I turn and look and see Mike. My eye's widen. "You're not real!" I told him. "Oh only if you really knew what I really could do." Then he disappeared. Then I remembered the cameras.

I quickly climbed out from the desk and found paper and a pen and wrote on it. Then stuck it up to the camera.

Please someone be watching me. Then I hear someone beating on the door and ran over to it.

"BELLA CAN YOU HEAR ME?" I press my hand against the door. Knowing it was Edward on the other side of the door. "YES I CAN HEAR YOU! I NEED HELP EDWARD I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT WITHOUT SOUNDING CRAZY" I tell him.

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