chapter 20

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I felt Edward gently scooped me up and gently set me down on the bed. I was left alone and I was still crying but I was scared. Then I felt something cover me. "Look at me Bella please!" I looked down at him and he has a towel covering his waist and sitting on the floor.

"All this is real Bella I'm real Bella." He tells me. "I told you, you I don't know anymore Edward." He takes my hand into his.

"I do Bella!" He puts my hand over his heart. "You feel that?" I nod feeling his heartbeat. "That's real Bella!" Then he puts his hand over my heart. "That's real too!" I slowly take my hand and reach up and touch the side of his face and he gently leans into my touch. "That's real to Bella!"

I lean forward and gently pressed my lips against his and pull away and looked up into his eyes. "And that?" I asked him. "It's real!" He told me. He gently pulled me down into his arms. "This is real?" He nods. I press my lips gently against his and trace my tongue along his bottom lip to ask for permission inside and he grants me as I grant him. As he deepens the kiss though we hear Alice clear her throat.

"Alice I told you to leave me alone with Bella." Edward said. "Well I needed to look at her and from what I see she needs surgery again." My eye's widen. "NO!" I snapped out and buried my face into Edward's chest.

"Alice you're going to have to trust me on this but let me talk to Bella and I will meet you done there." I heard the door.

"Bella look at me." I didn't move. "No! Cause you're going to let her put me to sleep and I'm afraid to go to sleep. Shit!" I realized what I just said and I could just kick myself for it.

I felt Edward turn my head so I could face him. "This is about Mike isn't it. Bella I saw him. You are not what he says you are Bella." He told me.

"You heard him?" I asked him. Edward nods. I started crying again. "Oh baby how about I do this for you. I have Jasper put a camera in the room and the minute I noticed anything I come in and anything that's got to be down they come here so I don't have to leave you and if they want me to then the hell with them because your more important to me."

"You really do that for me?" He looked at me confused. "What is so hard for you to believe Bella. That I love you so much or that I actually care about you?" He asked me. "Both actually!" I told him. "Damn you women what would it take for you to believe me?" He asked me. I blushed and buried my face into Edward's chest knowing that this wasn't what he meant but damn to feel that good and real again.

Edward started laughing. "You gotta be kidding me!" I shook my head. I looked up at him. "You can yell at me after I tell you. But that night I never felt more real and loved by you then that night then everything went to hell on me."

"Now why would I yell at you for being honest with me and to tell you the truth I felt the same way." He gave me a quick kiss and sat me on the floor. He grabbed some clothes and started changing into them. I went to push myself up and screamed out in pain.

It felt like someone was taking a knife and cutting down my arm. Edward quickly took my arm and looked at it and sure enough there was a deep cut down my arm. Edward quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my arm. Then rewrapped the blanket around me and scooped me up and carried me to the medical bay.

He stayed in front of me talking to Alice as she handed him a hospital gown and he help me put it on. I was scared to death about doing this. But I knew it had to be done.

Edward me up and carries me into the OR and gently lays me down on the table. Alice hooks everything up. "It's time Bella!" I reach for Edward hand and he takes it into his. "You promise to help me get me through this?" I asked him. "I promise you baby I will!" He told me.

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