chapter 13

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Edward opened the door and it slid open. I stayed close behind Edward as walk out. Our living room was destroyed. I slowly walked from behind Edward and just stood there. How could someone do this to us. Then I saw my picture of Charlie, Renee and I from when I was little that was on a end table.

I walked over and kneeled down and picked it up. Even though they weren't my real parents they still raised me and I loved them for it.

"TTHHUUDD!" I shook when I heard that. I slowly turned my head towards Edward and he was laying on the ground knocked out. "EDWARD NO!" I got up and ran over to him and tried to get him to wake up but he wouldn't move.

Then someone grabbed me from behind and I started screaming but they hit me and everything went black.


I heard Bella screaming, but when I open my eyes and looked around she wasn't there. I got up and looked everywhere in here I could and no Bella. I put on my shirt and hit the button for the speaker for Jasper.

"Yeah Edward?" He asked. "I NEED YOU TO GRAB EVERYONE AND BRING THEM TO MY ROOM NOW!" I snapped out. "Alright Edward, is everything alright?" He asked me. "NO, SOMEONE TOOK BELLA!" I told him. "Where on our way."

I ran my hands through my hair frustrated and angry. Plus I was worried about Bella.

Not much longer everyone showed up and saw the living room and I told them what happen. Well not everything. I went and got dressed in my uniform and when I got back in the living room Jasper was at the screen looking at the security footage outside of my room.

I seen Mike carrying Bella out of our room down the hall. We watched to see where he took her. He got to a door and looked around before he walked and disappeared.

"Jasper why the hell he go into Bella's office?" He shrugged his shoulder. He pressed some buttons and they were on the screen. Riley was there to. Mike laid Bella on the floor.

I was going to walk out but Jasper grabbed my arm. "You can't walk in there all gun ho Edward. Look here, they got traps set up. We got to come up with a plan before we can just walk in there."

Then I seen Mike lean over Bella and back hand across the face to wake her up. Jasper had to hold me back because I wanted to kill Mike.

Then Mike picked her up and shoved her against the wall. Her eyes widen in fear. Then I saw her eyes move over to the camera. Like she was looking straight at me. "Do they know about the cameras?". Jasper looked over at me. "No they don't but Bella does."

"She knows we can see them. She just look straight at the camera."

Then I heard Bella. "Edward I'm so sorry! I love you!" I looked back up at the screen. "This is not your fault! I love you too. We're going to get you out of this somehow. Just be strong for me!" She nods slightly to let me know she heard me.


Mike goes to hit me again but this time I move my head out of the way and his hand goes through the wall.

I took my chance and went to the floor and went around him and ran to the I got it open and Riley was behind me and I ran into the training room. I looked up into the camera and I motioned my hand for someone to come and help. My office wasn't safe.

Riley got to me and tackle me down. I rolled us over and brought my elbow up and slammed it down into his stomach. Rose ran in and I ran beside her I took her hand into mine the other one we clapped together really quick then we forced it back and flew it forward and we hit the ground covering ourselves because we knew debris was going to go everywhere.

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