"Pretty sure you don't want to know." Sam says.

"Yeah, you're probably right. All right. Let's do this." Dean says.

"Yep." Sam says as Dean walks to the driver's door of the car and Sam walks away.

[ ☼ ]

A Woman starts the gramophone and smiles at a Young Boy, who is sitting on the sofa using a computer tablet. She picks up a laundry basket. "I'm gonna run these upstairs. Be right back." The Woman says.

"Mmm." A Young Boy says.

"Hey, Timmy." A Whispered Voice says.

[ ☼ ]

Sam walks along the street. He runs a hand over his face and looks at his notebook.

[ ☼ ]

The Young Boy is playing a game on the tablet as the gramophone music plays. "Hey, Timmy. Come here. I have a secret for you." The voice says. Timmy looks up several times, then at the gramophone. "Hey, Timmy. Timmy, come here. Timmy."

Timmy walks over to the gramophone and places his ear near the speaker. He listens to the whispered voice and then walks away.

Timmy picks up a large knife. The Woman walks down the stairs and sits down on the sofa with a magazine. He walks towards her, carrying the knife. As he is raising his arm to strike, Sam and Elena burst in. Sam grabs Timmy arm and takes the knife. The Woman screams.

"Where's the gramophone?" Sam asks and The Woman points. Sam walks over to the gramophone and puts on a rubber glove.

"Hey. That's mine." Timmy says.

"Kid, this would be a really good time for a lesson in gratitude. Lucky for you, I'm too tired." Sam's phone rings and he answers it. The scene alternates between Sam in the house and Dean walking along a street, carrying a wooden box. "Hey."

"Hey. Got the p0rn. Just in time, too." Dean says.

"What was he doing?" Asks Sam.

"Uh, like you said, you don't want to know. Where you at?" Dean asks.

"I just got the gramophone. I'm across town. I'll head your way." Sam says as they hang up.

[ ☾]

Dean is putting a wooden box into the safe. "So my mom wasn't just some whack job. All this stuff is real?" Scott asks.

"Yep." Dean says.

"Well, now I-I really feel like crap." Says Scott.

"How come?" Dean asks.

"I kept pushing her to sell the store. She kept saying no, and I kept pushing her, you know, telling her how much money she'd make."

"You think you changed her mind?" Asks Dean.

"I don't know. You know, this real-estate lady kept coming around, and then one day, just like that, mom says okay." Scott says. "Then she had that accident, never even got to enjoy the money."

"How soon after?" Dean asks.

"The next day."

"The n— How did she die?" Asks Dean.

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