"What's that?"

        Sam picks something up with the stick. "Looks like a—yeah, that's a—that's a cat's head." He says.

       "A glamper or two is one thing, but you got to be damn hungry to eat a cat's head." Bobby says.


       "Well, lookit here. I'm no Dr. Oz, but..." Bobby takes a large, lumpy, black object out of the creature's body. "I think that's his adrenal glands."

      "Okay. And?" Elena says.

      "Meant to be the size of hotel bar soap... and bright orange." Bobby and Sam wince at the smell.

       "Ooh! All right, that might help explain the strength. Um, but whatever this thing is, it's not the Jersey Devil, but it sure as hell ain't Gerald Browder anymore." Sam says.

       "Okay, guys, seriously. It's time for dinner?" Dean asks.

[ ☾]

       Dean is eating a sandwich and Elena a salad. Bobby and Sam have only cups of coffee. Sam is reading from the New Jersey Police Missing Persons Agency website on his laptop. "Gerald Browder, 35, self-employed. Air-conditioning repairman." Sam is now looking at a website for Browder Airconditioning. Gerald Browder was the owner/operator. "Missing person number three. Disappeared eight days ago."

       "Well, that explains all the people who got eaten in the last eight days." Bobby says.

       "Yeah. Question is, what happened to him?" Sam asks. Dean is groaning as he eats his sandwich with large bites. "Dean. Uh, so, what do you think?"

       Dean is talking with his mouth full. "I'm not that worried about it." He says.

       "Excuse me?" Bobby asks.

       "That's funny, right? I could give two shakes of a rat's ass. Is that right? Do rats shake their ass, or is it something else? Eh." Dean says.

       Sam looks around the restaurant at the many customers eating the same sandwich. "Give me that." He snatches the sandwich away from Dean.

       "Whoa, whoa! Why?!" Dean says.

       "There's some funky chicken in the TDK Slammer, ain't there?" Bobby asks.

       "Yeah." Sam sniffs the sandwich and recoils.

[ ☾]

        Bobby sets the sandwich, wrapped in foil in the shape of a swan, down on a plate on the table. "This is stupid. My sandwich didn't do anything. I don't know what you think you're gonna find." Dean says. Sam unwraps the sandwich.

       "There's something wrong with you, Dean." Bobby says.

       "Are you kidding? I'm fine! I—I actually feel great. The best I've felt in a couple months. Cas? Black goo? Elena dumping me?" Dean says. "I don't even care anymore. And you know what's even better? I don't care that I don't care. I just want my damn slammer back."

       "Dude, you are completely stoned, just like Ranger Rick was." Sam says.

      "Just like the dinner rush back at Biggerson's. And everybody's loving the Turducken." Bobby says. Gray goo bubbles out from the sandwich.

       "I think you pissed off my sandwich." Dean says as more goo bubbles out. "That—that's in me?"

       "O-only half of it." Sam says.

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