Sam is handcuffed to the table. Dean enters. "Dean!" Sam holds out his handcuffed wrists.

       "I'm not your brother. But I am Dean adjacent."

       Dean takes the gun belonging to partially-eaten Deputy 3. "Sorry." He sees what appears to be Sam. "Sammy." Dean realizes from Sam's expression that it is Leviathan Sam. "Not Sammy." Dean raises his gun and shoots. Leviathan Sam knocks the gun out of Dean's hand and throws him into a trophy cabinet.

       "I just want to let you know how much I've really grown to hate you and your brother since we've been wearing you. I just don't get it. You could be anything. You're strong, you're uninhibited." Leviathan Dean says. "You're smart enough, believe it or not. But you're so caught up in being good and taking care of each other."

      "What do you care?" Asks Sam.

      "Because it pisses me off! You're wasting a perfectly good opportunity to subjugate the weak."

       Meanwhile, Dean gets to his feet and uses his elbow to break the glass on a cabinet containing an emergency axe. "Cute. Really think you can get close enough to use it?" Leviathan Sam asks.

       "Not until you're burning." Dean says. The Sheriff tosses liquid from a bucket onto Leviathan Sam, who starts to sizzle. Black smoke rises from his skin. "Aargh! Aargh!" Dean cuts off Leviathan Sam's head. Black liquid spills from his neck. Elena appears and watches the head roll.

       "Here's the deal." Leviathan Dean says. "Dean... thinks you're nutballs. He thinks you're off your game."

      "You gonna kill me, or is this some sort of "play with your food" bull?" Sam asks.

       "All right. All right. You know, I guess that's why Dean never told you that he killed Amy." Sam looks at Leviathan Dean in shock and alarm. "There it is. The look on your face. That is priceless! That's what I've been waiting for. Now I can eat you. 'Cause, you see, I like my meat a little bitter."

       Dean bursts into the room, flings liquid at Leviathan Dean and cuts off his head with the axe. "Well, that felt good." He says. The Sheriff unlocks Sam's handcuffs.

       "So... the FBI is on the way." The Sheriff says.

       "Yeah, listen, about that..." Dean says.

       "Whatever I can do... Especially if it involves lying about everything I just saw."

       "Good. I was hoping you could help us kind dead. You know, quote unquote." Says Dean.

       "Yeah. Yeah, I should be able to swing that. All right." The Sheriff says.

       "Come on, let's grab a mop."!Dean starts to leave the room, but pauses when he sees that Sam hasn't moved. "Sammy? You okay?"

      Sam looks at Dean briefly and nods, then looks away. "Yeah, I'm fine." He says.

       "Let's go." Dean leaves as Sam continues to sit at the table.

[ ☼ ]

       "That's when I got the drop on them and shot them both." The Sheriff says.

       "You did good, Sheriff." Valente says.

       "Here's the files. Cause of death—multiple gunshot wounds. I fingerprinted them first, of course, for your records." The Coroner says.

       "Mind if we take a look at the bodies?" Asks Valente.

       "Their bodies were sent to the funeral home for cremation, as per their living wills and religious requirements." The Sheriff says.

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