Please believe me

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Taylor's Point Of View...


So for the past two days of 'Jelena Forever',Justin has been acting weird and Selena,weirder.

I don't even know why they are acting so weird.

Did they do sonething that they shouldn't have done like losing their innocence?

Or...killing someone? I just have that suspicion that something fishy is going arou-

"JUSTIN GET THAT OUT IF MY FACE!!" I heard Scooter yell and saw him running towards my direction.

Justin was holding up a fish,chasing him.

So much for something's fishy.

"Justin,stop that!" Selena yelled and chased after Justin and honestly? The scene right now was epic.

Hardcore epic-ness.

Then,I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket,I whipped it out and read the text. Ouh. Allie!



"Hey bubs! Me and Lauren's missin you! Come home soon,mmkay?"



"Allie,sure I'll return as soon as possible. I miss both of you,too! After this trip we can totally hang out as much as we want to. X) "



"What do you mean? What about your work and stuff?"



"I cancelled out. I didn't wanna stay on here,its short-lived,I know. But if it was meant to be,it will be."



"Is it because of Justin? Because Twitter is kinda chaotic now,esp because you and Justin haven't 'broken up' yet."



"Ooops,guess we forgot about that. Nevermind,Allie,I'll work it out."



"Bye,we miss youh!"



"Miss you too! :') "


"Taylor,we need to talk." Justin whispered as I slid my phone back into my back pocket.

Ugh,I hate that line.

He pulled my hand and lead me to this room so far back,I bet nobody knew it was even there.

Once into the room,he locked the door and looked at me.

"Uhhh...yeah?" I asked as he stared at me.

Did I do something wrong?!

"Taylor I..." he walked towards me. Ok,now this is creepy.

I took a step back everytime he took a step towards me. As I took the next step my doom found me-my back hit the wall.

"Justin...what are you do-" his lips pressed against mine and I did not understand how we got here.

He was dating Selena! Wait. He IS dating Selena!

"Justin stop!" I squirmed and pushed him away from me.

"You tell me you didn't feel anything at all." he said,his voice cold.

"I didn't feel anything at all."

"Look me in the eye,and tell me that you have never felt anything for me. That that kiss just now,meant absolutely nothing at all!" His voice was now pleading,his eyes were boring into mine.

I couldn't do this. I can't! But he is Selena's boyfriend.

"I...I felt nothi-" I was cut off by another kiss and I felt tears roll down my cheeks.

Not again!!!!!!!!

He looked at me and I saw tears spill from his eyes,I have never seen him so vulnerable before.

But there is always firsts for everything.

"Don't...don't tell me you felt nothing..." he whispered against my neck as I fought the urge to kiss him again.

"But Justin I-" he sobbed into my neck and I felt a wave of guilt wash over me.

"Selena...its all planned." Huh? What did that mean?!


"Selena planned everything. She doesn't like you. Hell,she doesn't even love me. She admitted it. She hates you,she wanted to destroy us,break us up. She thought we were really dating. But she found out we weren't. But she knew I liked you and you as to me. Please...-"

Part of me wanted to believe him.

But isn't that plan a little bit too evil for Selena's taste?

"Justin! What are you s-saying?!" I whimpered and pushed him off of me.

"Taylor,don't go...please,believe me!" I looked at him one last time and ran out of the room as soon as I unlocked the damned door.

What can I do when the wrong feels right? [Bieber Love Story...]Where stories live. Discover now