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I officially transferred to McBeth High. As much as I hate it,I got to. Well,she is my girlfriend,remember? My fault,cause I said it.

It is now Spanish with Mr....Heff and I got that period with Taylor,a very angry and annoyed Taylor. Well,annoyed? Why oh why? Well,everyone's been.bugging her ever since they saw her last night onstage with me and after they saw me holding her hand (her,unwillingly ;D) this morning during lunch. She walked into the room with a mob of people behind her. You could actually see a grey cloud with thunderbolts hovering above her head as she stood in the class,ready to erupt.

"GET OFF MY BACK!" She screamed angrily and everybody scuttled away. Haha,that was funny :)

She saw me smiling and scowled at me. Hahahahahahahaha,is it me or does she look hot today? With the white tank and all? Ah,its just me.




"Hey TayTay! ;)" I said casually and she just brushed me off to seat at what seems like her normal,everyday spot. Spotting an empty seat next to her,I immediately sped to the seat. "I said hey, did not reply me,that is rude my soulmate..."

"YOU IDIOT!" She spat. Damn she hated me. Oh well,I'm bigger anyway ;)

"HEY,whoa there,girl...Scooter made me transfer here,not my fault,girlfrieeeeeeend..." the was-oh-so-very noisy room became quiet. Everybody's head snapped to our direction.

"What?" Allie said

"What?" Lauren said (I know her ;D Allie...)

"What?" Jake,Taylor's brother said

"What?" some random person said.

"WHAT?!" That,for sure,Taylor said.

"Remember the other day? Awh,you cant forget how I made YOU MY girlfriend..." I aaid to her smugly,a smile etching on the corners of my lips.

And I did the unthinkable-I went over and kissed her lips,again. She was in shock,her eyes opened wide. But I think she rememebered the other day and closed her eyes. Only.

Well,we stood like that for five whole seconds and,yeah,that was...nice?

What can I do when the wrong feels right? [Bieber Love Story...]Where stories live. Discover now