Six people-One night.

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Justin's Point Of View

Last day with Taylor...or night. I mean,I'll see her tomorrow morning and afternoon but not night...right?

And she has school,and stuff like tha-School.

School! That's it! School! I'm in the same school as her! I-I enrolled there to annoy the crap outta her!


"And she was like,'Chazzzzz,I'm so totally into your rockin' bod. And others...'! Man,I was all 'Oh,sure babyyyy,let's gooo!' Score,baby!" Chaz yelled,breaking me away from my train of thoughts.

Did the last bit sound dirty to you guys? Uh,just sayin.

Yep,that definitely sounded bad. Ryan was just lounging on the sofa in the hotel room,while Chaz was ranting about that 'lucky girl that just got luckier'.

The girls,on the other hand,were somewhere doing some stuff that I care not of.

Maybe I do.

What do you think they're do-"AHHHHHHHHH I'M SO TIRED." Taylor kicked her shoes off and jumped on the bed.

"Oh hey guys,sup'?" she nodded at them and took a pillow to cover her face. Chaz was looking at me,smirking.


"Hi Taylor,my name is Chaz. How are you doing today?" Chaz started at a really tired Taylor.

She won't reply,homie. She won't repl-"Aye,Chaz,so yeah,you heard right,I'm Taylor. Insert wink here. And yeah I'm soooooo tired today,ya?"


Chaz winked at me,obviously gloating. =.=" hmmmmmm...

"Sorry bro,you're a taken dude!" he whispered.

"Oh yeah Taylor,since you're tired you wanna go get some drinks or anything? You know...get to know each other?" Chaz suggested.

"Sure! Why not?!" Taylor shot up.

Chaz smirked at me again. Ugh.

"Ryan,call Emer and Selena,Justin go get ready. Ryan after the call YOU get ready. Chaz,I don't think you need that. And yeah,faster,leggo!" She hurried all of us and this time I was the one that laughed my butt off-on the inside ;)

Chaz's expression immediately changed and soured,Ryan laughed and started texting Emer furiously.

Taylor ran into the bathroom,to change,I suppose and I had a small talk with Chaz...

"Dude! You know I like her!" I punched his arm playfully.

"Dude! You knew I liked Selena!" he chuckled and punched me back,smiling.

"Taylor's awesome,that's why,don't date her."

"And that is logic because...?"

"I like her."


"Its complicated,Chazzy."

"DON' me Chazzy,Justy boo."


" 'Dudeee'!!! What's next Justin,'Insert whimpy arm flapping here'? *wink*"

"Go rot in Candyland."

"With Taylor..." he winked.

Sometimes this dude is just so random. But he's still my best friend,haha.

And the next thing I saw made my head explode.

Taylor walked out the bathroom looking as fine as ever,she was wearing this blue dress (I'll put it right...------» there mkay?). She placed her hands on her hips and twirled once.

"Okay?" She asked,Chaz's jaw was practically on the floor so...yeah,okay.

"Hair up. You should put your hair up,Taylor." Ryan said and smiled. She 'oooooooh'-ed and immediately got to that.

When she was finally done,Chaz was already rolling on the bed so...yep.

Taylor's Point Of View

YEAH. TRIPLE DATE TONIGHT! Not like I took Chaz as a date but you can see where I'm going ;)

Its been around a half hour and we are all ready. The girls are downstairs since Emer got to her room and Selala to her's...

Chaz was a charming young fella',all thr goofiness and such. The whole time me and Chaz was talking,Justin was just staring at us,a slight glint of jealousy in his eyes.


Whatever. I'm over them. Or am I?

"Here's to my last day with you guys!" I cheered as we got off the elevator.

Ryan ran up to an Emer that dressed up too well. Emer was wearing this black one shouldered dress with a gold belt. Did I mention she was wearing red shoes?


(insert 12 centimetres here)

- high? No? Now you DO know.

Selena is wearing a red strapless dress that tightly showed her toned body. She was also wearing white peep toe heels.

Back to point I never was at;we quickly got a seat and I grabbed the seat next to Chaz. Well,maybe because Emer was making out with Ryan and Selena was taking pictures of Justin kissing her cheek in a way that looked forced?

Oh well!

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