What.....? (Part 3)

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So now I am going to record a song and dadada?

In all honesty,am I dreaming?

Yeah it is my dream and all but...Like I Said,what if i do not make the cut? WHAT SHALL HAPPEN TO ME?!


As Scooter and I finalised everything with my mother and I,Allie started pacing back and forth but in the end,talked to Justin. Agh,whatever.

Allie's Point Of View (Justin's butt! -Taylor :D )

Taylor is going to be a singer?!


How did that happen? I was pacing back and forth,as she and Scooter talked over the phone with Mrs Evans. Justin was just lounging around,acting real casual.

Like,dude,you have a girl to catch. Not me,though. Allie,Allie,Allie...if Taylor leaves,what will become of you?! Did you see Ryan and Chaz?! Forgotten!

Pfft,no. Taylor won't forget me. Besides,Justin has not firgotten Ryan and Chaz,bieberfact.

Stop fighting yourself,Allie.

Nice comeback.



Did I just fight with myself,mentally? I smacked my firehead and Justin's eyes diverted to my direction.

"Hey...Justin...may i ask if...will Taylor be a star,lik-like you?" i stammered.like,hey,he is my idol,so its natural for me to stammer,right?

"Judging from her personality to her voice to her looks,maybe. Only her personality is the barrier."

"Right,or is it only to you?" I snapped back at him,nobody says stuff about Taylor like that,nobody.

Wait. Am I feeling jealous?

"Yes," shit,did i just think out loud?! "It is only towards me,I suppose,then..." phew!


Hey,thanks for reading this far! :) Really,thanks alot!!

As I said,whatever I say about Selena here is UNintentional,skay?


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