Darn it

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Goddammit. Why cant he leave me alone??

I walked up to him and put my arms crossed on my chest. He smirked at me and I scowled at him. This feels so weird. We continued staring at each other for what felt like hours until he broke the ice.

"Hey,Taylor...didn't know I would meet you here,were you following me?" he asked with a slight hint of cockiness...

"No,seriously,this is MY school. I go here,question is,were YOU following ME?" he chuckled and looked at me intently

"Well...I just transferred here..."

"WHAT?! NO! YOU CAN'T RUIN MY LIFE LIKE THIS! YOU JERK!" I started hitting his chest,creating grunting noises while im at it. He erupted into laughter as he looked over my head and started laughing again.

"Allie,is she really doing this?" he asked Allie.

"ALLIE! LAUREN! HELP ME!" I screamed and he erupted into laughter again. "Uh oh..." I whispered as I saw a crowd of people run out from the cafeteria door.

"Uh oh? What uh oh..." he mumbled as he saw what i was looking at. "RUN!" Allie,Lauren,Justin and I screamed. We ran from the hallway up the stairs to the gym down to the cafeteria to the classroom to the hallway again to the carpark then to the classroom.

"BECAUSE OF YOU THIS HAPPENED!" I hissed at him. He was such a life-ruiner!

"Aye,I'm Justin Bieber for A reason ;)"

"JERKKKKKK!!!!!" Me and Lauren screeched at him. Lauren was a kinda disliker,she is very fair when it comes to situations like this.

"Whoa there...so now what?" he asked

"Now,we kill you..." I said in my darkest voice ever. Recreating the Grim Reaper kinda voice.

"Huh?" he said,Allie,Lauren and I walked towards him,cornering him. "Ehhh,girls?" his back finally hit the wall and he screamed. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

"SUCKER!" We screamed and walked away. Well,now the jerk is in MY school. Great.

What can I do when the wrong feels right? [Bieber Love Story...]Where stories live. Discover now