Forty Nine: Accept It

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I'm sure if I were anyone else the appropriate approach to my current predicament would be to wait at home (the manor) in the dark with a glass of whine in my hand, waiting for Jason to get home so I can start a fight.

However, that is not the Venus Meadow way. I'm sure he has a good reason for not telling me about her, when he said he'd never had a girlfriend.

Maybe Rose was lying?

 At first, Alfred decides not to ask why or what I'm actually doing as I pace back and forth along the corridor outside my room, possibly by the determination on my face. He does, however, tell me that Firefly attacked the Stock building in the centre of the city and that's why Jason had to rush off.

The old butler also insists on wrapping my sprained wrist. He manages to pull me away from my angry walking.

"I don't suppose I can at least ask how you came about this injury?" He asks gently, unrolling the gauze slowly.

We're sitting in the kitchen now, at the dining table.

I sigh, scuffing my feet along the tiles.

"Jason and I went to my apartment, as you know. When he left, Rose Wilson came in. We had, well, a chat," I say, nodding to the arm laying on the table.

Alfred is frowning at me, "Why didn't you mention this before?" He takes a pin from his medical kit, placing it where the bandages end.

I shrug like a child. Why am I acting in such a way?

As he stands, I hear him sigh softly, walking towards a separate table holding small tea cakes and actual tea.

"I have noticed a change, if you don't mind the whims of an old man, Miss Meadow."

I smile, "Not at all Alfred." I find myself moving to face him slightly, wanting to hear what his opinion is off the whole current situation.

Wisdom comes from those who see it all.

"I doubt you've ever needed anyone to protect you. Your whole life you've been capable on your own. However that was when protecting yourself was your only focus. Now you're in charge of protecting the justice in this city. You need someone else to protect you while you do your job. And in being protected by someone else, you are beginning to care less about your own well-being."

Gentle, old eyes bore into my face as I take in his words.

"The less your care about your own well-being, the less likely you are to ask for your help. Strong herions such as yourself rarely see themselves as worth helping. It's a hero's greatest weakness.

I frown, "I'm not a hero."

Alfred gives my a look of doubt, as he pours the both of us some tea.

"You know what you are and what you are worth. You just need to accept it." 


A world away, frost is beginning to melt on the edges of the Sakura trees, lining the school yard that Sukiyo watches her son walk through.

She had taken time off from her journey to Venus Meadow's death, in order to see him off on another day of school. She so rarely sees him.

With her mother by her side, the two retreat to their limo. Before she can climb in, she glances over her shoulder again. Hiroshi would have loved their son.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora