Fifty Two: The Demon's Head and Warrior Red

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Congrats to _Stxdia_ and AStarhasRisen for working out who the woman is (via inbox, not comment xD) in Ven's dreams and an honourable mention to Samashobaki for literally being right on the edge of the answer yet so far from it xD


If I was nervous before, I can't think of a word to describe now.

Lazarus eyes stare at me, alight with a small smirk. It reminds me somewhat of Damian and Talia, in the way they conduct themselves.

"It's an honour to meet you," he smiles, clicking his fingers. A door opens and two people I can only describe as servile enter. "I believe this cuisine is fit to your taste."

Two delectable looking trays, decorated with emerald and blood-red gems, are placed on the table in front of me. They look like they're worth more than my apartment.

One servant lifts the cloches, a steaming meal I recognise as a vegan delicacy sits before me.

My eyes flicker up to him.

"You say finally, yet you seem to know me well," I state calmly. I'm no fool; my life is on the line, but this means he's been watching me.

"My grandson quite literally gushed to my daughter about you. Including your shared views," he says, leaning forward and lifting a dainty set of cutlery.

I don't say anything. And I'm definitely not eating.

"What are your thoughts on my grandson, if I may ask?"

Okay, okay. Does he hate him? Does he like him? Will what I say offend him? 

I have to talk. If I don't he might get bored.

"He's a good boy. Very fierce. Knows what he wants. Extremely bold," I say stiffly. He smiles without looking at me. 

I glance around the tiny room we're in. It smells like nothing. There's nothing to look at but him. Even the temperature feels like it's not there, but I seem to be sweating anyway.

"Why am I here?" I ask, without thinking of the consequences. He seems unfazed by the question.

"You trained with the warriors of Red Dust, I believe?"

I'm taken aback by the random question. Yes, the League of Assassins and the Warriors of Red Dust have never got along, but I haven't been with them for years.

"I did. I became our leader's right hand. A valued member."

"I see... And in your time, was there any plot by the Warriors to take over the League?"

Wait, what?

"That's what this is about?" I ask incredulously. I expected it to be a wicked plot.
"Some radical that-"

"So it's true," Ra's interrupts, eyes finally flickering to me. 

"No," I say, looking him dead in the eye. Where in the hell did this confidence come from? "A warrior, right hand to our leader Estelle Thrall, urged for an attempt at a takeover. Estelle decided against it. When the right hand could not get what she wanted, she left."

Ra's seems intrigued by the information, which actually makes me feel a little bit better. If his plan was to kill me, why did they bandage my up?

Of course that could be a farce. Maybe they want me to believe that so when their time to strike comes my guard will be down.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now