Twenty Four: Hours

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"Is it always that busy?" Kalie asks me. It's 6:00pm, which for the rest of the office means home time. Not me; for me it means, four more hours Venus.

"No. Because I've been absent things have built up, it will get easier though," I say, not looking up from my paper work. "You however, can leave now."

"But...what about you?" She asks, quieter. She takes the seat on the other side of my desk.

"I'll be here until 10:00, as usual."

"10:00?...That's fourteen hours of work without a break!"

I glance up at her, "The life of a DA," I smile.

"Well, would you like me to get you anything?"

"No thank you. You should know you did really well today, though. I'm very glad that we met," I say as I place papers into a file, put them in the right pile and grab more paperwork.

"Thank you. I-I really do appreciate this," she gushes, before standing up. "I hope the four hours go quickly."

"So do I," I mumble, smiling at her before she leaves. After that the entire floor is silent.

Time passes by at the pace of a snail. Sheet after sheet of paperwork crosses my desk. I read and sign off on them, or fill them out or comprehend them.

The pile is half its size by 8:00. Good for timing then. Annoyingly, however, my phone rings.

"Hello?" I state irritably.

"Why so grumpy?"

"What do you want, Telysha?"

"I forgot to tell you the good news."

"Shoot," I say partially listening whilst filling out more paperwork.

"We got more evidence against Morton Toller!" I stop writing immediately, dropping my pen and picking the phone up.

"Morton Toller... that creepy English teacher who'd dress his victims up as characters from a book?"

"That's the one. We knew it was him but you kept saying we didn't have enough evidence to take to court. I think we've got it now."

"Yeah? What?"


"...I'm going to need more than that."

"Every book on his iPad library is a book one of the characters are from!"

"How do you know?"

"A student told me."

I sigh heavily and begins wondering if I need to send her back to law school. I guess me not being around has lead everyone astray.

"You're telling me you want to walk into a courtroom and tell the judge that some kid got an illegal glimpse at the suspects iPad library and thinks what he saw were the books the victim's characterisations were from?" I ask seriously.




"Do I need to file an office sabbatical for you? Send you back to New York for enlightenment?"

"No no! I-I'm sorry! I'll get on it and call you back with something better!"

"Good," I reply, before slamming my phone back into it's hold a little to firmly. One day the simple irritation I get from this job is going to kill me.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora