Sixty: One Hundred and Eighty Seven Days

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I feel like my world is ending.

This isn't like Hiroshi dying or my brother leaving or my sister getting kidnapped. It's not that severe, shattering pain that reverberates through your body and grips you like a vice.

It's one of those pains that is so intense that I almost feel nothing.

And that's how it's going to look. I don't know how to look at him, knowing what I've done. I don't know how to look at him know what he's done.

My phone is in my hand and his text is on the screen.

I'm outside, is all it says. He won't come in. He won't give me anymore than just those two words.

But I go anyway.

Dressed in my clothes from work, slacks, high neck blouse and red blazer, I step into the elevator, my hands shaking.

Shaking for a few reasons, but the most present fear seems to be that I'll have to use the gun holstered behind my back.

This is it.

I wish the trip of my floor to the bottom was quicker, but before I know it I am stepping into the lobby, my heels against the floor sounding much more confident than I am.

Heels are bad for the womb, I hear the words in my head. That's right; I'm existing for two now.

The doors slide open and I step out to find it has begun raining. How fitting to the end of a grey day. It's dark, but not late, so I turn left to the alleyway.

I know he's there before I enter. It's the pure presence he holds. Having experienced it for months I know it well.

With a deep breath, ignoring the rain falling on me and around me, I walk through the alley until I'm standing close to the centre. I fold my arms to avoid letting the chill set in.

I blink and he's there, standing in front of me, with at least ten metres between us.

Suddenly I feel small. Small and insignificant. I don't know what to say. He can speak first. He deserves that...Or is it the advantage he doesn't deserve?

Before either of us decide to take that first step, my attention is drawn upwards, to the building beside us.

Through the thunder and the rain I can still see her silhouette, looming over the alleyway and staring at us like she has the right to be here.

Before I know it I am ice.

"I'm not talking to you in front of your new girlfriend," I say, looking from her, to him, with disgust. If he thought it'd be fine to bring her here, he can think again.

"As his girlfriend, anything you have to say to Jason can be said to me as well."




Within the second her words are said and I am unable to suppress my rage, I've reached around my back, got a hand on my gun, pulled it out and fired. 

Everything seems to happen within a few second. She pulls out her sword and either cuts or dodges the bullet, before flipping down off the building.

Jason is standing there like a spooked rabbit, looking both ways as if he doesn't know whose side to be on.

"Stop!" He shouts, holding his arm out to block her from moving past him towards me.

"Me!? She's the one that attacked-"

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now