Fifty Five: Love Of My Life

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My smile is like glass.

"Citizens of Gotham. I'd like to thank you for being here today, to listen to me speak of simple issues that require simple explaining."

Glass, because it can shatter so simply, so easily.

"This great city, has seen many different types of people in office. The good, the bad, the in-between. But in the case of District Attorneys there has never been anyone in-between. You have seen the good, you have seen the bad."

My sister is missing. My sister was taken by Sukiyo and I can't do anything. 

"There have been greats. Marion Grange. Harvey Dent before his turn. Samuel Guilford. All of them fought for justice. All of them worked alongside the heroes of this world and the people who are stepped on by those with the power."

I wanted to go. I wanted to stand at my father's side with Bruce and Jason as they storm Sukiyo's last known residence.

"Pillars of this city. Heroes. But like every hero, they had their villains. Radicals and tyrants whose only goals were to protect themselves from the justice they deserved. Murderers and rapists. Gang-members and thieves."

Instead my job calls to me. Calls for me. To stand here, in front of journalists, cameras and citizens, hanging on my every word.

"Marion Grange was assassinated. Harvey Dent was attacked with acid. Samuel Guilford was kidnapped, held at ransom and killed anyway. Violence is something a District Attorney is not shy to and that is why I am not afraid of the recent happenings."

Bruce and I knew it. She took Caelan to lure me; we can't have that.

"Yes, I was kidnapped. Yes, I was attacked at the courthouse yesterday. Yes, I was shot at last week."

They'll get her. They'll rescue her- hell, she could save herself.

"But I am not afraid."

I'm not afraid of people in this city trying to kill me. Because the killers here have different reasons than Sukiyo. 

"The only fear in justice is that it will not be served. I know it will be served because I will be here to serve it. No amount of organised crime, gang violence or assassination attempts will stop me. So long as the Batman and his allies are behind me, you will not touch me. I will continue my fight from my desk, destroying the evil in Gotham and placing it behind bars for the amount of years it warrants. I will fight for you, the people, and your right to be judged fairly when you are done wrong. Your fate will be decided by a magistrate whose robes are not stacked with a bribe. This is a new Gotham that citizens deserve. To the pick-pocketing thugs in crime alley, to the false debutantes on the hill, to the assassins waiting to destroy me; welcome to my city."

It's probably shorter than these vultures want, but it's powerful. It's enough to satisfy myself, the Commissioner and the Mayor.

Shouts of media questions, camera flashes and citizen cheers are deafening as I turn around, glancing at my two Salvore Mob guards, before walking back inside the building.

I hate press conferences.

"Well done," Kalie smiles at me, handing over a glass of water. I wish it was wine.

"Thank you," I say half-heartedly, striding through the foyer. People give me sheepish glances and nervous smiles as we approach the elevator.

With myself, Kalie and the guards named Sasha and Drazve, we ascend to the office.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now